Waking up in the mornings has always been my favourite part of the day, I'm thankful for waking up to my wonderful husband and beautiful children, but I just love the sound of the birds, the sun rise, the first chill of the morning as you step outside And breath in that cool air.
Everyone was still asleep when I woke, I took this time to make a coffee, decaf of course and sit outside enticing the fresh air and watching the world go by. Well the birds fly in my case as our back yard is secretive.
Reminiscing on life, my life.
How I started out as a university student struggling to get by whilst providing for my family back home.
To meeting Leyton, having no idea who he was, and agreeing to give him a baby via a surrogate.
Yet, falling in love with a man I barely knew and falling in love with an unborn child at that.Let alone becoming a wife, going through an almost death experience. Becoming a mom to three children.
If you look back in my shoes it's absolutely crazy what's happened in such a small amount of time, including become a nurse but then changing my career plan and becoming a well known famous fashion designer opening stores.
Some would say this is a crazy life that only happens in the movies and I would completely agree!!
But it can happen to just anyone, I mean I wasn't anybody until I met Leyton and now I'm a somebody to everybody. I can't go out without getting papped now and again ....
I have to make sure I look my best otherwise there'll be a headline that's completely false.
Would I change anything? Absolutely not.
Has it been difficult? Abso-fucking-lutely.
But it's what we do. Life is about challenges, life is about risks.You need to take them risks to see what it holds, the worst that could happen? It won't work so you pick another risk.
I take risks every single day of my life without realising, but I like it.
"Good morning baby" a soft husky voice says behind me. I was in such a day dream he startled me,
"Oh good morning! Sleep well?" I smiled as he pressed a gentle kiss upon my lips.
"I did ... how long you been awake?"
"Two hours. I've just been sitting here ..."
he smiles at me softly "thinking?"He knew this was my thinking spot. "Of course ... all good though. Just reminiscing on life. Our life, my life. This life. Just excited for the future now"
"Me too baby, me too."
- I will be skipping another month but I will go back and explain about the party etc! Hope your enjoying so far!-

Only his surrogate
Romance"Its simple. you give me a baby. I pay you double of what was offered." Leyton says in a dark tone. no feeling what so ever. I knew nothing about him? and now suddenly he wants my ovaries for a baby? April Rhodes was a struggling 22 year old living...