Chapter 14

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The first time was hard enough, but the feeling of lean muscles, sharply defined, and thick thighs brushing against his legs sent a shiver of pleasure to wrack over his body.

He locked that little thought in a box, and decided to pretend it wasn't even there.

If Jeongguk noticed the tinge of red to his ears, he didn't say anything. "Okay, but I can't walk."

"Shut up," Yoongi grunted, holding out a hand. "We are going to get there."

The feeling of Jeongguk's calloused, warm hand almost made Yoongi startle. He hadn't seen the tan move and shift, but he kept himself still as he folded his hand, the color a large enough contrast that he almost snorted aloud and smiled.

"Okay, now, I am going to haul you up. Place the balls of your feet against the ground. Find balance. Ready?"

A shuddering breath. "Y-yeah."

Counting silently to himself, Yoongi then shifted and used what little strength he had to yank the boy off the floor. Jeongguk yelped, sounding more like a pup than a boy, and nearly tumbled.

Yoongi lunged forward, arm slithering around a tiny waist to attempt to steady the weight. He gasped in shock at the instant way he felt off-kilter due to the added weight, stumbling forward as Jeongguk's knees gave out beneath him.

"Oh, fuck!"

Tumbling to the ground, Yoongi gasped as he landed smack on Jeongguk's body.

The wolf yelped, back colliding with the wood floor, and his arms instantly encircling around Yoongi and pressing him further against his bare chest.

A groan lodged in Yoongi's throat, the arms an iron cage around his lithe frame as he blinked in disbelief at Jeongguk's face that was a mere inch away from his own.

Hot breath fanned over his face, oil and meat dominating the scent of his breathe. Muscles rippled beneath his hands, which were splayed across his bare chest. He could feel the hammering of Jeongguk's heart, thudding distinctly under his palm.

Scent of pine seemed to be soaked into the boy's skin, bombarding his senses. He was small enough that he fit like a puzzle piece across the boy beneath him, who held him steady.

Jeongguk had his head raised, close enough that Yoongi could see the amber of his eyes blazing. His mouth went dry. This close, his eyes felt as if they were staring into his very being, his soul.

Jeongguk licked his lips, pink muscle against thin lips. A dot of darker color now visible under the pink lip. "Yoongi? Are you okay?"

Yoongi snapped back into himself. His face was on fire as he staggered off of the boy. In his haste, he tumbled to his knees, hit his elbow on an end table, and finally managed to get to his feet (there may or may not have been a series of cursing).

Jeongguk remained deathly still, but the feeling of his hands on his waist was like a brand. It hadn't faded, and he squirmed.

"Shit, I'm sorry," Yoongi rasped out, inching further back. He rubbed his throbbing elbow absently. "You- you were fucking heavy, and I wasn't expecting it. At all."

"It's okay," Jeongguk whispered, a hitch in his voice. "It's okay. I'm okay. Are you okay?"

Yoongi hesitated, realizing that his elbow and his ego were the only thing bruised. He bit the inside of his cheek, nodding briskly with a shaky smile. "Right as rain." He shifted his weight. "Let's- let's just- try again. More prepared this time."

"Okay. Okay, yeah. More prepared."

Shakily, he held out his hand. He steeled his insides, the familiar warm hand grasping at his. He counted in his head and then tugged. Jeongguk adjusted his weight better this time, and Yoongi scrambled to finishing hauling him to his feet.

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