Chapter 91

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"How about you go take a shower? Yoongichi," Seokjin says, flickering his eyes towards where Yoongi was settled on the couch. "May he?"

"Why does everyone think I am some kind of prison warden?" he retorts with an eye roll.

"You do look like you constantly want to murder a batch of baby lamas and then eat them for breakfast," Taehyung replies sweetly.

Yoongi scowls, casting him a baleful stare but the Beta only smirks to himself.

"You do have a resting bitch face. It's a little scary sometimes," Seokjin adds.

Groaning, Yoongi ignores them both as he turns to face the wide-eyed Hoseok. "Yeah, just go knock yourself out. I am sure Jin here can find you some- no offense but anything other than those rags."

"You-" confusion furrows the Beta's brow. "You would let me shower?"

"Well, yeah," Yoongi replies dully, "I can't let you stay in this cabin smelling like that."

The Beta didn't look offended. He looked too surprised to be offended since he stared at Yoongi with round eyes and parted lips.

Seokjin laughs. "Only Yoongi can invite someone to stay while sounding like they don't give a flying fuck about anything."

"A true softie, kitten," Taehyung adds.

Jeongguk kisses his cheek. "You're so cute, Yoongi."

"I hope you all choke and die on your spit," he snaps, pushing himself off the couch. He hears the wolves all chuckle as he stalks out of the room.

"Joonie, you help get Hoseok-ssi settled, and Jiminie, you're with me in the kitchen to help make some food. This poor sweetheart needs some food," Seokjin says, getting to his feet. JImin nods, pulling away from Taehyung. "Taehyungie, you're in charge of cleaning the cabin before Yoongi loses his head. Jeonggukkie, set the table."


Hoseok opens his mouth to protest but a single glance from the pregnant Omega makes him shut his mouth and nod reluctantly. Seokjin preens. "Good. Shoo."

Seokjin disappears into the kitchen and Hoseok casts a stunned stare at Namjoon who shrugs. "You get used to him."

"I- okay."

"Come on. I'll get you set up," Namjoon says, shoving his hands in his pockets as he drifts towards the guest bathroom. Hoseok follows lamely, glancing back towards Yoongi and catching his gaze.

Yoongi cocks his head, staring back towards the Beta curiously, but Hoseok just offers this sunshine smile. It was so bright, seeming to try and compete with the actual sun, and the relief in his eyes was so palpable that Yoongi found it hard to swallow.

"Thank you, Yoongi-ssi."

"Yeah, well," he mutters, shaking his head, "this is a tiny ass cabin, and you're welcome to like, linger around here, but you're arguing with the others for a place to sleep. I don't care otherwise. So, don't be too thankful."

"It's better than a cold street."

Yoongi's lips quirk. "Yeah. I suppose it is."

Hoseok tilts his head and then disappears into the bathroom.

Taehyung pauses from where he was straightening up the living room; folding blankets, putting dishes in the sink, and gathering all the loose pillows. He glances towards Yoongi, his smile soft.

"You really going to let him stay?"

"What am I supposed to do? Pat him on the ass and send him back to being alone on some cold ass back alley and begging for scraps?" Yoongi asks, frowning.

Taehyung shrugs. "I mean, you could, technically."


A pause. "But you won't."

"I won't."

"Because he saved Gukkie? Or you?" he presses with a cocked head.

Yoongi licks his lips, crossing his arms. "Because I know what it is like to not want to be alone anymore."

Taehyung hums, nodding his head as his fingers brush through his dark brown hair. Yoongi glances over at him, examining his pretty features in the sunlight and admiring his profile. He really did look like something out of a fairytale.

"Are you okay with that?"

Taehyung glances through long lashes. He tilts his head. "Hoseok seems like a great wolf. He... he cares. He treats even Jiminie with the utmost respect. He even submits to Omega's. That- that is pretty damn rare." He shrugs tiredly. "I don't know. I think that maybe... maybe he is supposed to stay."

"What makes you say that?"

"The moon." Taehyung smiles. "The moon shines on him. Like it shines on you, and Gukkie."

Well, can't argue with that, now can he?

"The... moon," he repeats, not even trying to mask the disbelief. Taehyung hums, unperturbed, and returns to cleaning the room. "Sure. The moon. Why not the moon? I'll just go consult with the stars. Maybe we can play strip poker."

Taehyung clicks his tongue. "Stop being such a cat. Go take a nap or something."

"Aye, aye, captain," Yoongi retorts, but smiles at the Beta before he slips into the bedroom and stares at the mess that he hadn't even noticed until now. Books were turned over, his bed in complete disarray.

Flinching at the state, Yoongi groans before he teeters around his bedroom and cleans it. It wasn't long until Jeongguk slips into the room, closing the door behind him and smiling as he catches Yoongi's haze.


"Hey, darling."

Opening his arms, Yoongi waits for Jeongguk to walk over and fold himself against Yoongi's embrace. His scent calms his frayed nerves as Yoongi rubs his cheek against sable hair.

"I'm tired."

"You always are tired," Jeongguk grumbles, but was smiling anyways. "Do you want to cuddle and sleep a little?"

"And here I thought you would never ask."

Jeongguk laughs as they suddenly fall against the bed, messing up what Yoongi had just made, and they tumble under the covers only to return to Jeongguk tucking himself against Yoongi, and the Alpha to sigh in content.

They fall asleep almost instantly. 

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