Chapter 112

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Finally, it was Namjoon that spoke.

"I know that this mountain has been our home for a long time now," he starts quietly, "that this cabin is the place that this pack was born, and families started." No one missed the loving eyes he sent Dal that was nestled against Seokjin, the Omega giving a warm smile in return. "This cabin has been the start of us."

"It wasn't the cabin," Hoseok intervenes. He was smiling knowingly, eyes dancing as he met Namjoon and then Yoongi's bewildered gaze. "It was the two people here, and Namjoon that gave way to the idea of it."

Namjoon flushes, but offers a bright, dimpled smile in gratitude towards the Beta, but Hoseok only shakes it off.

Clearing his throat, Yoongi takes over. "I know that for some, they were born and raised on this mountain. Grown strong and brave." His eyes linger over Jeongguk, heart swelling within his chest as he feels their bond heat up. "But this is no longer the place for us anymore. Humans want this mountain back, and maybe I like the idea of a fresh start. A new place, and a new home to start and raise families."

"A place we can be wolves or people, without having to define ourselves as either," Namjoon adds. Taehyung looks up through his lashes, lips parting in surprise and fingers stilling from where he is picking at a loose thread.

"After today, I acted quickly and without thinking, and I am sorry about that," Yoongi murmurs, ducking his head. "I wanted to give us more time, to grow more, but I realize that was slightly foolish. We aren't bulletproof. Even if we fought back, it wouldn't change anything but give wolves a bad name."

"Bulletproof?" Jeongguk whispers, brow knitting together.

"The- the gun's use pieces of metal called bullets. It's what actually kills you, if you're hit with one," Namjoon explains hastily. "So, Yoongi was saying that we can't just deflect bullets."

Yoongi rolls his eyes. "Thanks, Boy Scout. I was having a dramatic moment, and you ruined it."

"Well, it's not dramatic if they don't even understand the monologue, now is it?" Namjoon snarks. Flashing the middle finger salute, Yoongi remains silent as the wolves chittered in amusement at the two Alpha's. "Now, as we were saying, we have been speaking for a little while now, and after today, we realized that we belong as wolves, and we can't do that anymore."

"Jin has managed to find some land, closer to Seoul. Land that has been untouched and considered neutral ground. It's not a tour spot, and the nearest place to get supplies would be over a day of trek," Yoongi says, glancing towards Seokjin. "There are no other wolf packs in the area. We could go there. Build our life from scratch. Live well."

"But, Yoongi," Taehyung murmurs, heartbreak clear in his voice, "this is your home. Your cabin... it's our den. Can you really just leave it?"

Yoongi smiles, patting the fireplace gently. "Home isn't four walls and a bed, Taehyungie. It doesn't matter to me as long as I am with all of you."

"Cheesy," Jeongguk mutters, using his hand to hide his smile, but his eyes were glittering with tears that betrayed him.

"You're right," Taehyung agrees, smiling in his box smile with his eyes twinkling. "It was never about the cabin."

Jimin nods his head, meeting Namjoon's gaze evenly. "Let's do it. How are we going to get there? When are we going? What's the plan?"

Relief flashes over Namjoon's gaze, but he nods his head. "The plan is simple. We are going to take a few days, get everything together here. Clothes, books, equipment, and start packing it. I was planning on sending it all to a storage unit in the village that will be our supply base. Tie up our money in a safe bank, make sure we have things we will need, and then travel on the KTX once we are ready."

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