Chapter 137

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"A lone wolf has been asking permission to stay with us, recuperate," Namjoon says, garnering Jisung's attention. He looks up from his emails, looking towards his father and Head Alpha curiously. "He is down near the pack lines. Seems a bit beat up."

His father frowns, the lines in his face getting deeper. "Another wolf or was it a hunting accident?"

Namjoon shrugs. "He mentioned that he didn't realize he traveled too far in another lone wolf's area and ended up a bit hurt. He's a Beta, seems harmless. He promised to keep the peace, and Seok agreed to look over him."

Jisung cranes his head, the office chair creaking as he furrows his brow towards his father. "How injured is he?" he asks.

His father looks over, face softening. "Not terribly, but he is a bit weak. A bit of faver. A bit of his ear was torn off, and maybe a cracked rib or two. Whoever he tangled with was really not happy about it."

Jisung bites his lip. It had been a while since there was another wolf around, lone or otherwise, and he couldn't help but think about his sister who was gone for almost three years now. If she was hurt, he would hope a pack would help her. Care for her.

"I'll go with Seok. I don't mind," Jisung offers quietly, tilting his head and smiling lightly. His father looks a bit surprised, then a familiar crease starts in his brow when he is going to say "no". "Dad. I'm grown. The wolf isn't an Alpha, and I am a capable Omega. Please?"

Namjoon cuts a side look to Yoongi. "Seokie is going to be with him, hyung."

Yoongi hesitates, then sighs. "Fine. You can go. Hoseok is probably headed there now."

Jisung leaps to his feet, waving to his dad and then hurrying to the porch. He pulls off his clothes quickly, not really shy over his body. He knew it was lean, muscled lightly from all his time wrestling with the others, and yet still soft and alluring like most Omega's bodies were.

Shifting into his wolf form, Jisung shook out his white fur and dashed into the forest. He picks up Hoseok's scent easily, falling it down the forest and out of the pack lines. He slows when he sees familiar cinnamon hair and honey colored skin bent over a wolf.

At Jisung's approach, Hoseok looks over his shoulder. His brows disappear under his hair. "Jisung-ah? What are you doing here?"

"To help. Don't worry- dad knows I am here, so no need to worry," Jisung says, snorting as he shakes out his fur.

Hoseok smiles, white teeth glinting in the late afternoon sun. "I am not your dad, and I know you can handle yourself. You are Jeongguk's son. He is as feisty as any Omega." He waves him over. "You're welcome to come closer. He's a bit out of it so maybe some nice Omega scents will help."

Padding over, Jisung pauses to stare at the wolf. His fur was a light brown with a white underbelly and underside of his jaw. The rest of his coat was the rich brown. He was laying on his side, bigger than Jisung by quite a bit in wolf form, and his eyes hazy and breathing shallow.

Letting his scent thicken as Hoseok continues his investigation, Jisung settles near the wolf. The wolf's eyes follow the movement, ears pricked slightly in curiosity. His breathing was still shallow, a little too slow.

"Pretty... Omega," the wolf pants, tail giving a solitary wag and eyes flickering with something akin to teasing.

Jisung pauses, embarrassment tickling in the back of his mind. Ears flicking forwards and backwards, he looks away shyly. No one except his sister and parents have called him pretty. Well, Namjoon has, but he calls a lot of them pretty.

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