Chapter 60

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"Taehyung and Jimin?" Yoongi breathes, eyes widening as he glanced back towards the two wolves.

After so long of hearing about them, the stories of the three's adventures and rule-breaking trio, Yoongi felt as if he was staring in the faces of ghosts. Simply people who had once lived and no longer existed except in memories and in grief.

The happiness that oozed from Jeongguk, however, seemed to raise the dead, because Yoongi felt it. The way his words almost seems to bend at the weight of the joy he was feeling, leaking through and dripping like honey.

Of course, Yoongi knew they were real. Very much alive- the throbbing of his ankle can attest to that- but now he was staring the reality in the face. He always knew that Jeongguk was wild; proof has been in front of him time and time again.

Taehyung and Jimin were just another aspect of his life before. More evidence that Jeongguk is a wolf, and these are his packmates; those he considers his family just Yoongi considers Namjoon his brother, and Seokjin- well, maybe an overbearing, annoying sister and sometimes a reliable older brother. When he felt like it.

He wasn't sure what he was expecting Taehyung and Jimin to look like. He had wondered about them, of course. Merely passing curiosities of one who yearned to learn more about a lover, or a close friend.

He wasn't expecting this, though.

Jeongguk nods, fingers grazing over his cheek and golden eyes searching, flickering and fluttering. A silent, burning question. Yoongi swallows, a shaky smile touching his lips as he looks back to the wolves.

Jeongguk gestures to the orange wolf. "This is Jimin, an Omega." The wolf's tail wags a mile a minute, and Yoongi instantly realized that Jeongguk had nothing on this Omega's use of his tail. "And that is Taehyung, a Beta."

There was something almost delicate about Jimin. A willow of the wisp. Bright orange fur and lithe frame, Jimin was the smallest of the three wolves by far. He had shorter legs and small shoulders. He wasn't as fluffy as Seokjin, but his fur was longer and gentle.

Taehyung held none of the gentleness of his counterpart. He was all coarse fur, rich as freshly rained on soil, and long legs with broad shoulders. He stood at least a head taller than Jimin, a hulking size in Yoongi's book, and it was enough to make him shudder with unease.

He was the first Beta that Yoongi has ever seen, and he was beginning to see what Jeongguk had meant about the difference in sub-genders. Seokjin, Jimin, and Jeongguk were small; bodies all soft curves and gentle nuances.

This Beta had sharper edges and dark alleys hidden within the torrid amber. Beautiful and something dangerous lurking below.

Taehyung regarded him cooly, settling back on his haunches and curling his tail around himself. He made no move to come closer, simply watching.

Jimin, however, was much less reserved. He came bounding over, tail still high and wagging pleasantly behind him, and leans forward to sniff at Yoongi's brow. Yoongi froze, holding his breath as he let the wolf sniff.

Jeongguk smiles. "Jiminie, Tae, this is Yoongi. He is- he is my mate," he finishes, casting a quick, hopeful look towards Yoongi. A question that his words were not ill-advised.

Yoongi felt his heart swell, relieved, and he could do nothing except lean over and kiss him warmly. Jeongguk inhales sharply, but tilts his head down so Yoongi could kiss him deeper, smiling against his lips.

When they pulled apart, Yoongi saw a flicker of orange fur brush past seconds before Jimin was in his face. He was licking and nipping, rubbing his chin over Yoongi's cheek, and Yoongi could do nothing but shout in slight surprise.

Hands flying up to grasp at the thick orange fur, Yoongi grunts and tries to push him off gently but it does nothing to deter the Omega as his face was lathered with salvia.

Yoongi groans. "Okay, yeah. Nice to- ugh- meet you too, I guess."

Jimin clambers out of his lap only after a short, sharp bark from Taehyung. He trots back over, nosing at Taehyung's nose, and the Beta loosens his strict stance at the action.

After a moment, Taehyung raises his head, ears pressed forward and tail wiggling once. Jeongguk chuckles. "Tae says it's nice to meet you. And that they are both sorry about before. They had been wandering around when they caught my scent, but they saw you and not me, they assumed that you were a hunter that had killed me so they just..."

"Right," Yoongi mutters, wincing as he tightens his hand around his ankle. It didn't seem broken, barely sprained since he could move it. The tendon seemed a bit tender, so Yoongi had to guess it was just badly bruised. "I can't exactly fault you for that. I'd probably attack too, honestly."

Taehyung loosens more, shoulders sagging so he lost some of his intimdating size (but he was still fucking huge), and his pink tongue lolled out of his mouth with his head cocked to the side in a goofy expression. His tail begins to wag wildly, suddenly keeping pace with Jimin's tail wags that has turned into whole fucking body wiggles.

Yoongi snorts, arching a thin brow. "Now, as much as this has been fun," he snips, "I am currently freezing my ass off since someone, " he cuts a sharp look towards Taehyung and Jimin, "decided my coat was a great snack."

Taehyung only wagged his tail faster, plopping onto the snow, rolling onto his back, and keeping his tongue slapping against his lips as he stares evenly at Yoongi with his four paws in the air and dumb expression on his wolf face.

Yoongi rolls his eyes, shaking his head. "Yeah, yeah. Act cute all you want. You owe me a new coat." Taehyung yapped, clambering back to his feet. "So, why don't we take this... whatever... back to the cabin?"

Jeongguk made a surprise noise in his throat. "You would let them into your cabin?"

"First of all, our cabin," he corrects tersely. Jeongguk smiles fondly. "And second of all, they are your family, Jeongguk-ah. You let Namjoon and Jin into our cabin, then I can handle Taehyulk and Jimjam."

Jimin growls, but Yoongi could tell it was only out of play since the wolf's tail didn't lie. It was still wagging and his ears were high in his head. Yoongi growls back, his dull human teeth on display, and Taehyung yips again in amusement.

He, apparently, didn't find Yoongi all that intimidating.

Jeongguk turns to them, questioning. "Yoongi and I live further north. Please come?"

Taehyung was already trotting ahead, Jimin scrambling to keep up, when the bigger Beta paused and glanced back. His tail gave a solitary wag, and somehow Yoongi just knew the wolf was asking what are we waiting for?

"Alright, I'm coming," Jeongguk replies.

Yes, Yoongi felt pride that he was able to understand Taehyung. 

Twitter: JamlessAnna

CuriousCat: JamlessAnna

Ao3: bri607

Cover Art: @RealJams

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