Chapter 128

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Laughing, the Omega agrees. Getting to their feet, they walk hand in hand through the forest. Sometimes, they encountered others of their pack.

Taehyung was wrestling with Hajun, Hayoon, and Hani. His chocolate coat was still heavy and his bad foot curled against his belly as he nipped and rolled playfully as his orange furred daughter tackled him. The younger twins, seven years old, were copying Hani as they nibbled on Taehyung's front paws.

Yoongi snickered. "Getting beaten by a bunch of pups, Tae?"

The chocolate coated Beta growls low, craning his head to face Yoongi. "I bet I can still whoop your ass, kitten."

Snorting, the Alpha shook his head. "You wish. Don't make me come over there. I am not a kitten."

Hajun, pausing in his play while his silvery coat with streaks of black, turned towards his father with mighty tail wags he probably learned from Jimin. "Daddy, Tae says you're a grouchy kitten who is too old to fight anymore!"

"Yeah, daddy!" his twin adds, sliding up to his brother. "Too old!"

Taehyung at least had the decency to look sheepish as he used his paw to try and hide his features. Yoongi arches a thin brow. "Too old, Taehyungie?"

"You were a grandpa before, and now you're worse. If the shoe fits, wear it, is all I am saying, Yoongs," Taehyung jests lightly, pink tongue hanging from his mouth as he pants lightly in the heat of the spring.

Yoongi narrows his eyes. "Next full moon, Beta. You and me."

Taehyung shrugs his furry shoulders. "Why not now?"

"Because unlike you, I have to go get my daughter."

"Jia with Hobi again?"

Jeongguk laughs lightly. "Isn't she always?"

"It's not like Hobi minds," the Beta adds, golden eyes softening in fondness. "Personally, I think their relationship is precious. I swear, Hobi is so whipped for Little Jia."

"This entire pack is whipped for Little Jia," Jeongguk mutters with an eye roll. "But, yes, their relationship always makes me happy. Seok always does so much for us. Always there. Little Jia admires him so much."

"Wants to be just like him when she grows up," Taehyung tacks on gleefully. "I keep waiting for her to sprout cinnamon fur."

"Funny," Yoongi grunts, but coughs into his hand to hide his smile. He really didn't mind his youngest obsession with Hoseok.

Granted, all of the pups adored Hoseok. The Beta was always around, bouncing from cabin to cabin, and playing with them and teaching them different things. Except, from day one, Jia was special.

Not even Jeongguk seemed to mind too much, usually leaving Jia with Hoseok since he knew that his daughter would be safe with the Beta. Hoseok always treated her as if she was his own, and in a way, she was.

Hayoon came bounding over to his mother, licking and yapping to get his attention. Giggling, Jeongguk kneels down and runs his fingers through his son's mix-matched fur. Hayoon rumbles happily, and his brother gets jealous enough to come hurrying over for some attention.

Hani seemed pleased, remaining near her father, bright orange fur bright under the sunlight, but barks loudly in greeting to Yoongi. The Alpha points to her. "You and me too, Hani-yah. You're going to show me what you got, pup."

"Deal, Yoongi!"

Nodding, Yoongi kisses his son, reminds them to be home for dinner, then drags Jeongguk away from them to continue their trek.

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