Chapter 20

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Namjoon's hand tightened around Yoongi's, the lukewarm warmth spreading up his wrist and he swore his ribs compressed around his heart. He squeezed his eyes shut, tired of seeing nothing but blurry outlines, and imagined what he remembers of his best friend's face.

The egg-shape of his head, the honey of his tan skin, and the lilt to his lips that revealed the deep dimples that were like trenches of oceans. The way his almond eyes crinkled, and the fondness that resided there.

For a moment, he was sure he felt a sting behind his eyes because he misses being able to see him. Really see him. See the funny expression, the way his eyes glow when speaking about music, a love that has never died.

He wishes he could see Namjoon again, and to finally see Jeongguk. See what he looks like, as sweet as he sounded.

"Maybe someday... you can find yourself again, just in a place you weren't really looking," Namjoon finally whispered, hand loosening from his grip. Yoongi kept his eyes closed, just imagining Namjoon's soft smile, and kind eyes. "I'll be beside you, whenever you need it."

"I know, Joon-ah. I know." A sad smile twitches at his lips, and for a moment, all he wants is Jeongguk. Jeongguk's arms, the overwhelming scent of pine, and the feeling of his overbearing heat. "You're my best friend, Joon-ah."

I love you, Joon-ah.

"You're mine too, Yoongi hyung."

I love you too, hyung.

Pulling his hand away, he keeps his eyes closed. Namjoon stretches from beside him, glancing at the clock before huffing out a tired breath. "I should go. It's already past three, and I have a train to catch back to Seoul."

"Don't break anything," Yoongi jests lightly, eager to break the moment that had transpired. Namjoon scoffs, lightly swatting at his arm as he clambers to his feet, gathering his things and checking over what he had left for Yoongi.

"Your books are on the coffee table, piled in order, and food is already restocked. If you need more food, message Jin and he will get it together. I'll send the stuff for Chuseok over, so you can decide," he prattled listlessly, seeming to prance around half-cocked.

"I'll be fine, Joon-ah. I'll see you and Jin next time," Yoongi replies calmly, smiling in his general direction, peeling open his eyes and seeing the fuzzy, too-tall outline of his best friend.

"Alright, bye, hyung!"

Yoongi waves as Namjoon steps out the front door and begins his trek down the hill where you have to leave your car, a good thirty-minute walk.

After waiting a few minutes, counting down from three hundred in his head, Yoongi gets to his feet and stumbles towards the back door. He stepped into the frigid air, eyes scaling the tree line in hopes to see Jeongguk.

"Jeongguk? Jeongguk!"

Foliage shifted. Yoongi turned, relief flooding through his system as he saw a large wolf come barreling out of the tree line and making a beeline for him.

Kneeling into the cold grass and dead leaves beneath him, Yoongi opened his arms and let Jeongguk jerk to a stop and fold himself into his embrace.

Pine and musk filtered through his nose as his hands sunk into the thick black coat, face buried within his neck and fingers curdling within the course fur.

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