Chapter 77

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Jeongguk's mother was a gentle wolf. She was never like her mate, Head Alpha. Her fur was a simple, sleek grey mixed with white. Her under belly was white, a star on her chest. She was small, lithe, and kind.

Jeongguk loved his mother. She would care for him, offer him love and attention and so many praises. Her golden eyes danced with mischief, and her tongue that she kissed him with was always sweet.

Sometimes, Jeongguk missed her. He dreams about her. Dreams about her sleek coat, gentle voice murmuring in his ear as she grooms him. Dreams of her when he is reminded of what had happened when he had presented as an Omega instead of an Alpha.

But Jeongguk does not miss his family pack. He does not miss his father. He does not miss his litter mates. He does not miss them at all.

A week has passed since the full moon. Jeongguk has loved every second of it. Jimin and Taehyung can now walk, talk, eat, and dress perfectly. Namjoon has been teaching the three of them everyday how to read and write. Seokjin has been teaching Jimin how to cook, though they discovered quickly that Taehyung falls into the "Namjoon Category" and is not really allowed in the kitchen.

Not because he is clumsy, but his food is something that no one dares want to try again. The first time certainly left a lasting impression that the Beta just didn't understand the concept of cooking.

Yoongi still writes music during the week, buried under his headphones and beats. Only emerging for food and cuddle times where they all clamber to the living room and settle together to eat.

Namjoon writes music with him, but only during the afternoons, and Yoongi seems pleased to be working side by side with him. He would smile more, grinning at his best friend as they would talk about a stanza or a verse.

Seokjin would spend his days with Jimin and Taehyung, and other times napping. The pregnant Omega gets tired easily, usually taking a short nap after meal times, then bounces back with a bright smile.

Sometimes, the wolves played outside all together. Seokjin would opt out of the playtime, but he would lounge around in his wolf form watching over the three youngests as Yoongi and Namjoon worked. When dinner rolled around, they would all join back together and chat and play for hours.

It was perfect.

Except Jeongguk could not find the Beta. He checked every day. Bringing Jimin along, they would both search the creek, try and track him, and return to the overhang where Jeongguk had found him before. His clothes were gone, the peppermint and fern scent long stale.

The Beta hadn't left the area. Jeongguk knows. He can still catch whiffs of the peppermint and fern, still feel eyes following him when he is out with the others. He knows the Beta is hovering, lingering, and he desperately wants to know why.

Jeongguk knows the Beta won't hurt him. Won't hurt his packmates, and seems to be guarding extra hard whenever Seokjin is nearby. Whenever they are outside, the Beta takes more precautions to not get caught, and Jeongguk just wants to know why.

A part of him wants to find him and make sure he is okay. He started living a bowl of water by the tree line, knowing the creek has long frozen over and because of the colder temperatures, he knew that finding water elsewhere wasn't an easy task.

Sometimes, he leaves pieces of Seokjin's cooked food out for him, and everyday the food and water are gone, and only the briefest smell of peppermint lingers.

But there is still no sign of him.

"Yoongi!" Jeongguk whines, rubbing his cheek against his silver hair with little growls and rumbles going through his throat. Yoongi ignores him. "Yoongi! Come on, it's after five."

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