Chapter 22

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Waking up with Jeongguk was like waking up without fear of what the world will bring.

Despite the fact he was holding Jeongguk close, night after night, he felt safe, knowing that Jeongguk was there within his arms.

The scent of pine seemed permanently engraved within his bed sheets, from the mere two nights they have spent together. He could smell it every time he shifted, and it made him relax as if it was lavender instead.

Yoongi never wanted to move. He was content with the heat emitting from under the blanket, banishing the cold winter air that seeped through the logs of his cabin. The feeling of Jeongguk's lean muscles pressed firmly against him, hands tight around his shirt, and bare skin of his legs tangled with his own.

He hated waking up, knowing he would eventually have to move, despite loving every second of Jeongguk plastered against his frame, breathing slow and steady, and his hands tangled within sable hair softer than clouds.

However, it was this morning that Yoongi had been dreading. The wound was past healed. There was no limp, no soreness, nothing to warrant the wolf staying.

The impending doom was ticking away with every single inhale and exhale, knowing that this was soon going to be over. Jeongguk was going to return to the forest, running free.

His arms tightened around Jeongguk's waist, the wolf nuzzling Yoongi's chest in his sleep, and then stilling again.

He sighed, nosing at his hair and soaking in the touch that he had begun to welcome, to crave like a touch-starved child. The heat of his fingers, and the feeling of his breath against his face.

It was over.

Yoongi's heart clenched tightly, stomach rolling and churning, threatening to crawl up his throat and spill. He swallowed it down, closing his eyes tightly and soaking up as much as he could.

Jeongguk was never supposed to be mean this much to him. He was never supposed to get attached, but somewhere along the line, he had fucked up, and now he knew he was going to have to deal with the consequences of that action.

It hurt. It hurt so bad Yoongi wanted to stop breathing if it meant the hole that was forming in his chest that was gaping, festering like an infected wound, stopping hurting.

"Yoongi?" Jeongguk croaked.

The human startled, eyes snapping open and peering into fuzzy, vibrant amber eyes that bore into his. His heart clenched tighter, reaching up and cupping Jeongguk's cheek, smiling tightly.

"Morning, darling," he whispered in greeting.

Jeongguk smiled faintly, nose brushing over Yoongi's in what he called "a wolf greeting" that Yoongi secretly adored, but feigned indifference.

"Morning. You okay?"

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm okay," he replies, though the lie tasted bitter on his tongue. He closed his eyes again. "What do you want for breakfast? Your choice since you get to go home today."

"Home?" Confusion was laced with Jeongguk's words. He blinked, then withdrew quickly. Yoongi frowned at the sudden cold that attacked his body, eyes opening to see Jeongguk lingering on the side of the bed. "Oh, right. That's today."

"Yeah, darling. It is," Yoongi murmured, reaching out a hand. Jeongguk dragged his fingers over his palms in soft reassurance. "So, special treat for you."

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