Chapter 28

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Jeongguk fell back into Yoongi's life as if he had never left. As if he had been there for years upon years rather than only a month.

He was just there; a constant shadow that drew Yoongi out of his head when it got too dark and reminded Yoongi that there was more to life that blurry figures and outlines.

They fell back into their old routine, with minor tweaks that Yoongi didn't mind in the least. They slept together, never straying too far, and Yoongi always made breakfast, and they eat it together on the couch. They had morning kisses, lazy and warm.

So warm.

Jeongguk always rubbed his nose against Yoongi's to wake him up, and Yoongi would pull him down until he was caged in his arms to kiss him properly. Jeongguk never complained, always grinning widely.

Yoongi would work while Jeongguk practiced walking, or watched YouTube videos to better understand human life, or sometimes he would catch him watching makeup tutorials with fascinated eyes.

When it was lunchtime, Jeongguk would pull him away from his desk with a hearty laugh, and Yoongi would feign anger but Jeongguk would always see the smile hidden within the corner of his mouth.

He would return to work, and Jeongguk would sometimes go into his wolf form and play around outside. Yoongi would watch him from the windows, the hulky black form becoming bigger as the air turned colder and harsher.

Dinner they would eat together, Jeongguk settled amongst the table, and eating together by the fire with their feet fighting for each other's laps to warm their frostbitten toes.

Jeongguk had so easily folded himself into every aspect of Yoongi's life. He was there, brighter than sunlight, and calm as the pale moon that hung above their heads.

Yoongi's heart felt so heavy whenever he peered at his outline, hearing his soft breathes in the middle of the night that had once been deafening in its overwhelming silence.

Whenever the winter nights drew too long, casting Yoongi within its shadow, Jeongguk's warmth casted away the dreaded cold. He pulled him close, his very own fire, his very own spring.

A hole that he hadn't even know was there was slowly filling.

"Yoongi," Jeongguk calls, interjecting the sounds emitting from his headphones.

The song was wrong and Yoongi was starting to feel the first tendrils of frustration curling around his throat. He had been trying for over three hours to fix it, to make it sound right, but nothing worked.

The deadline was hanging over his head, mocking him. He swore that with each note he could hear it's laugh stab at his ear drums. He could barely shed a glance towards the Lycan hovering behind him.

"Yoongi," Jeongguk tried again when he hadn't responded the first time. Yoongi still didn't turn to face him, his expression dark and lips curled downward.

His honeysuckle scent had soured long ago, but now it smelled withered and dead in his frustration. Jeongguk's nose crinkled, the Omega in him whimpering. He didn't like the fact his scent was so malformed.

Yoongi startled at the feeling of fingers drifting over his shoulder, featherlight and gentle, sinking into his hair at the nape of his neck. A shiver washed over him as Jeongguk tugged lightly at the short hairs hidden there.

Removing his headphones, Yoongi craned his head until he was able to see familiar ink hair and rich skin.

Jeongguk gave a small smile. "Yoongi, you smell bad."

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