Chapter 16

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"Five..." Jeongguk trailed off, soaking in the new information. "You could see before? Like, see everything? What do you see now? I don't understand."

Yoongi hesitated. Trying to explain what he saw was like trying to explain basic math to a rat.

"Yes. Yes, I saw everything," Yoongi said slowly. "I know what the world is supposed to look like, but since the- since what happened, I can only see outlines and colors."

"So, you know where I am, but you can't really make out what I look like," Jeongguk clarified. Yoongi hummed, returning to the food. "That explains the tape that is blinding."

"Jin's idea. It helps me know what is what when I am alone."

"That's a good idea," Jeongguk murmured, quieter now. Yoongi hummed noncommittedly, listening for the sound of the alarm that would tell him that the food is done. "Can... can I ask what happened?"

Yoongi frowned. "You mean, what happened to my vision?"


A shudder wracked his body, the sour scent of stale alcohol and brittle words reverberated over his thoughts. He swallowed thickly, glaring down at the food as he thought about it.

"Not yet, Jeongguk-ah. Not... not right now," Yoongi finally managed out, voice strained with weight. "It's not a story to share that would bring pleasant feelings."

"But... you will tell me?"

Yoongi hesitated, then nodded once. "I will tell you. Just not now."


"But," Yoongi spoke up, plating the food, "I will only tell you if you tell me about why you came down the mountain. About how you ended up here. Is that a deal?"

Yoongi placed the pan on the stove, devoid of food, and turned to face Jeongguk in an attempt to show that he was paying attention, whether he could see him or not.

Jeongguk was still sitting at the table, long, ink hair cascading over his features and shielding his expression from what little he could see. He kept his face even, open, and slowly, he saw the ink shift in a nod.

"Okay, Yoongi. It's a deal."


Yoongi smiles, the tension easing from the room. He turned back around, grasping at the plates and getting their silverware. Together, they walked slowly back towards the living room. Each of Jeongguk's steps were stilted, too rough, and knees nearly giving out, but he made it to the couch.

Together that sat side by side. Yoongi tried to not think about the fact Jeongguk's thigh was pressed tight against his own, warming him. He didn't want to think about the subtle touches and the soft giggles that erupted from whatever show that was on.

Yoongi didn't want to think about the fact that he didn't want this to end. That he craved the touch, the heat of his hand, and the thick scent of pine that wafted despite the countless baths.

He didn't want to think about the way Jeongguk always said his name. He never said "hyung" because he didn't know Korean honorifics, and Yoongi never corrected him.

A weight on his shoulder startled Yoongi from his darkening thoughts. Breath catching in his throat, he craned his eyes, catching nothing but ink strands breaking the white of his hoodie. The feeling of lungs expanding and shrinking with each little breath, and the scent of pine that invaded his nose mixed with coconut from his shampoo.

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