Chapter 84

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"I guess I should have known," Seokjin says, leaning against the doorframe. His head hit the wood, a faint smile on his face. "You have always been this... this presence. I always felt safe with you. Whether you were a wolf or not never even mattered. You were always Yoongi. I can't really say I am surprised, but then again, I am. Surprised. And yet not."

Yoongi tore his eyes away from the mirror, staring towards Seokjin as the Omega gives a small smile. It was gentle, loving, and fond. The smile hadn't changed, he notes absently. It was exactly the same as it was all those years ago.

"When I first met you, in that stupid library, fighitng over a textbook, I just- I felt like I knew you already," he continues, shrugging. "Like I was supposed to meet you. It was set in our DNA or something. Maybe you were always meant to be a Lycan. You have always been an Alpha to me. And now you are."


"Yes. You presented as an Alpha," Seokjin concludes, shuffling further into the bedroom and lowering himself onto the bed with a heavy sigh. A grimace tugs at his features. "Namjoon did too. You really don't remember, do you? You have been out of it for three days. Taehyung has been caring for you, and Hoseok-ssi has been caring for Namjoon. Your rut broke this morning."


God, was he a broken record player? He felt like one. He couldn't believe the words that were falling from Seokjin's mouth as the Omega leans back on his arms to try and ease the weight off his back.

A tiny smirk touches his lips. "Yes. Rut. Normally, your mate would help with that, but since it was your first rut and things were a little... hazy... the Beta's decided that it was best if things remained separated. Even for me."

One thing at a time. He could deal with the rest later. His brain can't handle too much information. He already feels like the room is spinning, his knees slapping together as he grasps onto the wall to keep himself upright.

"I- I'm really a wolf? Namjoon too?"

Seokjin must have sensed the impending panic. His expression shifted, softening further, and he reminded him of someone who wanted to calm a terrified wild animal. Exaggerated movements, gentle smile.

Even his scent had heightened. The roses became fainter, but it eased the racing of his heart. Soothing his tense muscles.

"You both have shifted to wolves. In your ruts, I mean," Seokjin admis, tilting his head. He hesitates, then smiles slowly. "You're a beautiful wolf, Yoongi. Truly."

He can't remember. He can't remember anything.

His chest felt too tight. The air was restricted. How could he not remember three whole days? How was any of this possible? All this time, he has been accepting the fact that he will never be enough for Jeongguk, that he could never have a Mating Bond.

Now he has so much more. He can see. He can be a wolf. He can run with the pack. There was this swell of happiness, curdling within the fear, the worry. The emotions that he couldn't even pin down because he doesn't know.

"I need Jeongguk. I need him now."

Seokjin nods. He rises from the bed, pushing open the door. Yoongi follows. He follows without even stopping to think about it.

"Taehyung and Jimin are wandering around the forest, stretching their legs. They have been rather cooped up lately. Hoseok is probably out there too, but Jeongguk refused to go too far," Seokjin says, pausing in front of the back door.

Swallowing, Yoongi nods. "Okay."

Seokjin hesitates, then reaches out and pulls Yoongi against him in another hug. Yoongi lets him. He folds himself against Seokjin, even placing his hands briefly over the baby bump if for no other reason than to make sure the baby is safe.

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