163.Being Keigo's Twin Sister🦅

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Requested by:@AveryTiredWeeb ⭐️

.Not only are the two of you identical but, you both also share Identical personalities. So the two of getting along perfectly, isn't surprising.

.When the two of you were you younger, you would both get into a lot of mischief together, breaking things and bothering your neighbors. But when it was time to suffer the consequences, you were both quick to blame the other.

.However, now that you're both adults, conversations amongst the two of you is slim to none. Especially since you both live in different countries and Keigo refuses to pay an extra few dollars just to talk to you for a few minutes.

.But every once in a while, either one of you would stop by the other's place just for a few hours, to catch up on old times while also giving the paparazzi something to go crazy over.

.Although it's fairly rare that Kegio ever misses you; but he does, he usually scrolls through a few of your official fan pages, just to make sure you're doing fine.

.Even though the two of you aren't necessarily what others would consider to be close, you both find a great sense of closeness upon being apart. In which might not make since to others, but you both could truly careless.

(I hope you enjoyed 🥰💕💕💕💕)

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