126.Doubted{Oc!} (Shouta's Older Brother}💤

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Requested by:@SsComitDancersS ⭐️

.Ryuu Aizawa| Quirk:Dragon|Known for his more classic villainous appearance of dragon horns, blood piercing sharp claws and nails, along with his tail and set of wings, puts him at #2 of the top most heroes with a villainous appearance.

Ryuu Aizawa's Pov:

."For along time, people would stare at me in fear and call me a monster, but ever since I became a hero a lot hasn't changed, the media is just more discreet about it. I'm surprised that they even allow me to teach students at a school like UA." I thought to myself as I put on my hero costume, dreading the arrival of the new first year hero course students at the USJ building.

.Finally making it a few minutes before the first years did, I practiced putting on a cheerful smile so the students will hopefully feel less afraid of me. But as always it never worked, they gazed at Thirteen as though she was some type of goddess and then at me as though I was the grim reaper himself.

.But since I get that a lot, I continued to explain the purpose of the USJ building while trying too keep a cheerful voice, which is fairly hard when you can feel the fear in a person's eyes.

.As we started to walk into the USJ building, I could over hear my young brother giving his students a peep talk as I walked past. "Now I don't want you all to make Ryuu feel as though he's a villain or some sort of monster since he gets that a lot, you hear me." I could hear Shouta say causing me to grit my teeth in annoyance.

.And all of a sudden when Thirdteen starting talking, all hell broke loss as "actual" villains starting popping out of what seemed to be no where. For once I was kinda glad that the kids had something else to be afraid of, but It's my job to protect them, so as more villains starting popping out, I starting picking off the strong and weak one's, taking on as many as I possibly could.

.But seemed to feel like only few minutes later, my face was soon met by a fist that felt ten times harder that of a truck and before I knew it, I was out cold, but I knew I wasn't dead.

.Once I woke up, I looked around to see that I was in Recovery Girl's office being patched up as the whole entire class of 1a was there to thank me for protecting them as best as I could. And for once, it felt good to see genuine smiles on people's faces compare to the fake ones that I grew numb to. And all I could do was smile and chuckle back, "I'm a hero, that's what I'm supposed to do."

(I hope you liked it, I tried my hardest💕💕💕)

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