108.Being Yagi's Child Sibling✌️

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Requested by:@catherine_gorden1 ⭐️

.There's no doubt in neither one of you guys minds, that you both love each other with all your heart.

.Normally when things aren't too hectic at Ua, Yagi tends to take you there so you can interact with all of his students. And it's no secret that that think that your the most cutest thing ever.

.Since Yagi is your guardian, it's always his job to make sure that you get enough sleep so you can stay as healthy as possible. But he tends to just chase you around the house until he tires himself out. Poor Allmight, he can defeat bad guys, but nap time for a child is his biggest weakness.

.Yagi is always protective over you since your a huge target for villains since your tiny and quirkless. But even though he knows that you well enough to walk up to any strange person holding candy or stuffed animals, he still makes sure to keep a good eye on you.

.However,when Yagi sees you getting older and becoming more independent, it makes him sad since he thinks that you won't need him anymore, but then he remembers that he's your older brother and you'll always need him.

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