152.Happy Birthday(Ejirou's Younger Sibling)🏔

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🎂Although today is my birthday, I just wanted you lovely people to celebrate it with me🎂

Ejirou's Pov:

.As -Insert birthday- came around in a blink of an eye, I was so determined to make my little (sister/brother/sibling) feel like royalty on (her/his/their) special day.

.As I unlocked and slowly opened the door to my little sibling's dorm room,I already had  a strange feeling that you were sleeping in.  |"I knew it...they probably don't even know what to day is."| Ejirou said as he let off soft chuckle before gently shaking you awake.

.{"Ejirou why are you here so early...what time is it?"} y/n said in a somewhat whiny voice as they sat up and stretched. |"I want you to guess."| I said with a toothy smile as sat on their bed. After waiting a few seconds for you to make your first guess, you finally got it as you had let out a small gasp. {It's my birthday today!"} Y/n said with pure excitement in their voice before smiling back at me causing me to let out a soft chuckle.  |"Well today is your special day, so whatever you want to do is okay with me."| I said as with genuine expression on my face.

{"Well...I've been really wanting to go to that new arcade that just opened up."} y/n said as they looked at me with a starry eyed expression. |"Then that's where we'll be going."| I said before leaving their room, giving them some space to get ready.

.After y/n got dressed and ready, I ordered us an Uber to the the arcade, but when we got there, it was closed. {"That a bummer, I was really hoping to beat you in laser tag, like old times."} Y/n said as they turned to me with a sad expression.

.Thinking quick on my feet, I noticed a small puppy cafe near by. |"How about we go there instead."| I said as I pointed in the direction of the cafe. {"I didn't even know that puppy cafes even existed, Come on Eji lets go!"} y/n said happily as they held my hand before dragging me to the cafe.

.After getting seated, we both cracked jokes and talked about old times while sharing a slice of cake. {"Thank you for today big bro, you really treat me like royalty."} Y/n said with a heartwarming smile on their face while petting the dog that was sitting next to them. |"Your welcome, happy birthday y/n."|

(This one is pretty short, but I hope you lovely people enjoyed it🎂💖)

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