74.Being Yuu's Child Sibling💜

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Requested by:@Rowerman ⭐️

.You and Yuu tend to get along pretty well.

.Since Yuu doesn't see you very often, she likes to make the most of it by spending every day that she has off of work with you.

.One thing that she loves doing with you is playing dress up since that gives her a chance to talk to about all the cool things that she missed out on while at work and also because she likes dressing up like a princess or a pirate at times.

.But on the days where she has to go to work, she always stays back a few hours late, just so she can tuck you in at night before she has to leave for work again.

.Yuu is very protective over you to the point where she calls to see if your okay numerous of times in an hour, she just doesn't want anything bad to happen while she's away.

.And because of work, Yuu is something gone for more than three months, she likes to send you little post card and gifts of places that she has been while at work.

.Yuu will never forget the day that you had asked her to stay while she was tucking you in for bed. She felt so bad that she actually agreed to stay one more day with you since she doesn't like to see you cry.

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