58.A Little Crush(Tamaki's Child Sibling)🐙

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Requested by:@Jary_is_trash ⭐️

.Ever since Tamaki starting inviting over Mirio and Nejire over to study or just to hangout, you've been starting to crush on Mirio.

.Every time that Tamaki Mirio and Nejire were invited over, you would skip Nejire and run straight to Mirio, giving him a hug and asking him about his day and of course he would always answer since he thought it was cute.

.Even when the three of them would study, you would always some how find a way to get to sit in Mirio lap, and Mirio didn't mind since he saw you as a little sister to him.

.But one day When Tamaki decide to invite over just Mirio to hangout Since Nejire had plans, you decided to make your crush on Mirio known by writing him a love letter and giving it to him. Sadly your feelings were hurt when Mirio declined to date you, saying that he saw you only like a little sister to him, but it didn't help that Tamaki was quietly dying laughing while Mirio was trying to breakdown his bad news.{"So that means I'll never be able to marry you?"} ["Tamaki would you please stop laughing and help me!"] | "This is your mess to handle Mirio."|

|Disclaimer| Speaking of Big three, I only know about Tamaki and a bit of Mirio. So if you have any request for Nejire I might not be able to help you until I get a chance to actually sit down and finish season 3❤️

Bnha Scenarios [Sibling Version] ❤️ Where stories live. Discover now