57.One Sided Love?(Kirishima's Younger Sibling)🏔

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Requested by:@BoltBitch⭐️

.With Valentine's Day coming up, you've been getting more stressed out about sending a love letter to your crush Katsuki. {"He's not even going to show up, there's no point in even making one!"}

.Gosh,all that stressing had put a major toll on you to the point where you were in your room almost about to pull your nails off, until you noticed the feeling of a silky yet painful feeling of a flower blooming on your right cheek. Frighten, you screamed causing Kirishima to dart straight into your room.

.Noticing you crying in ball while sitting on your bed, Kirishma went up to you, removing your hands from your face before noticing by the colorful flowers blooming on your right cheek and making it's way to your eye, seeing this, he knew something was extremely wrong.|"y/n if you keep stressing like this it's going to be worse, so calm down and tell me what's wrong.

.Explaining to him about everything, Kirishima understood why you were stressing so much.| "Listen y/n, just give the letter, I mean what the worst that can happen, you already have Hanahaki disease."|

.Taking the advise that Kirishima gave you, you decided to slip the letter into Katsuki locker, but what about the flower on your face? Welp...I guess you really didn't think that far.

. While patiently waiting for Katsuki behind the school, you noticed a student with flowers on their face, kinda similar to yours, approaching you. {"Katsuki is that you?"} ["What does it look Idiot."]

.So after explaining your whole reason why you asked him to meet you here, Katsuki decided to cut you off. ["y/n listen, I know that i'm a awful person, but would you ever consider going out with me.] {"Of course, what type of question is that?!"}

.Welp I guess all of that stressing was for nothing, well at least you don't have to worry about turning into a flower bed.

Bnha Scenarios [Sibling Version] ❤️ Where stories live. Discover now