62.Being Yagi's Little Sibling✌️

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Requested by:@http-dadmight ⭐️

.When it comes to getting along, your relationship is the same as a roller coaster, it's always up and down or spiraling out of control.

.On days when Yagi has a chance to take you places, it's a no or yes, so the two of you hardly ever hangout.

.Since Yagi doesn't understand your hostility towards him sometimes, he likes ask you why yours so angry at him, just so he can understand. But your answer is always the same. {"Your too busy always trying to be the symbol of peace."}

.But in all honesty, your hostility towards him is just your way of trying to make a wall just so if anything bad was to ever happens to him, you wouldn't feel as though your whole world would fall into pieces.

.But on the days that you and Yagi get the chance to hangout, you always tend to have fun and enjoy yourself.

.With out a doubt, Yagi is extremely protective over you since he is your older brother.

.Yagi will never forget the day that you suddenly out of nowhere crying and apologizing to him for being so mean.

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