51.Getting a Quirk (Kirishima's Younger Sibling)🏔

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Requested by:@Idoallthememes ⭐️

.Well the first time you ever got your quirk, was a very awesome yet scary situation for you.

.You were about about five when your quirk manifested, but it had to be at the most weirdest time ever.

.So everything was going normal as usual, you and your friends were outside playing a fun yet dangerous game of red rover, And when it just so happen that your had finally manifested when they decided to send you over.

.With out doubt you managed to break thought your friend's tight hold, but you also managed to break their arm in the process.  Even though your friend forgave you while they were lying on the ground crying, you freaked out and told your older brother Kirishima everything.

.Even though he was so happy that you finally got your quirk, he almost died when you told h that you broke someone's arm.

.Well, it wasn't a surprise when you came to school the next day, that the game that you and friends played, soon got banned.(Welp at least no more broken bones😅)

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