106.Being Shoto's Child Sibling🔥❄️

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Requested by:@TheDemonPotato ⭐️

.You and Shoto get along amazingly since he tends to be more caring of you.

.Normally when Shoto comes home over the weekend, he only comes to see you since he has no interest in visiting with his father.

.And when he does come to visit, he tends to take you to the park since it gives him time to talk and play with you.

.Even though it's no surprise, Shoto is extremely overprotective over you since he doesn't want his father to abuse you like he did to him, so usual when he's over the house, he tends to sleep on the floor in your room so Endeavor won't come in, but since you don't like for him to be lonely, you usually join him on the floor and sleep on his back.

.Shoto will never forget the day that you asked to live with him once he becomes a hero. He though it was pretty sweet that you wanted to come live with him once he got his own place.

Bnha Scenarios [Sibling Version] ❤️ Where stories live. Discover now