9.Throwing a Tantrum (Child Sibling)

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.Has no Idea what to do.
.Tries to make silly faces in effort to make you stop but it doesn't work.
.Tries to reason with you, but just gives to what you want from him.
. "Geez (Y/N) you win I'll buy you the stuff animal, now can you get please stop."


.Tries shushing you to stop, but we all know it just makes the crying worse.
.Tries to calm you down by playing with you, but instead you slap his hand.
.Not knowing what to do Izuku starts to cry and run to his mother for help.
. "Mom, (Y/N) won't stop crying or kicking me, please help."

.Knowing you just want attention, Kirishima picks you up and carries you almost everywhere he goes, because he know it's the only way to stop you from crying and acting up.
. "Okay Okay, just calm down (Y/N), you can come to the gym with me and Bakugo, just be good okay."

.Being skilled with taking care of siblings because of your other older sister and brother, she knows exactly what to do.
.She drops down to your level and tries taking to you, but instead of want to talk you slapped her with your tongue and ran off.
.She grabs you by the arm and places you into a chair located in the corner of the house.
. "Five minutes (Y/N), then we'll try this again."

.not knowing what to do Mina takes you to Ochako, since she's good with kids.
. "Hey Ochako, (Y/N) won't stop crying, could you like work your siblings magic or something?"

.Even though Allmight is the symbol of peace, he sometimes has a hard time calming you down.
.He tries giving you candy, which for some reason didn't work since you threw it and flung your arms up at him while crying.
.Not getting the hint he tries giving you your favorite teddy bear, which you threw to the ground and flung your arms up at him again while stomping your feet.
.While finally getting the memo he picks you up and takes you with him everywhere he went, even to work.
."I am here, also with my very tiny side kick!!!"

Bnha Scenarios [Sibling Version] ❤️ Where stories live. Discover now