32.Being Tamaki's Child Sibling🐙

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Requested by:@wolfhardtear⭐️

.Tamaki absolutely loves having you as he's little sibling because he sees you as such a tiny innocent little bud that will soon bloom into a kindhearted flower. (In other words he sees you as the most sweetest thing in the world😊)

.He always looks forward to the holidays or whenever he gets to see you on the weekends because you always have something new to talk about or show him.

.He loves getting to go on walks with you, since your fascinated by everything little thing you see and also you will sometimes stop to pick up flowers or play with butterflies along the trail.

.Tamaki is extremely protective over you and doesn't want any harm to come your way, so sometimes when the two of you go out, he acts like your little own personal body guard.

.Tamaki also enjoys talking to you on the phone when he doesn't get to see you and always for some reason getting to hear the happy tone in your voice always seem to make up for every bad day.

.One thing that Tamaki will always keep with him for the rest of his life, is the bracelet you made for him on his birthday, even though it has a couple of miss spells, Tamaki doesn't really care.

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