149.Busy{Oc!}(Keigo's Little Sister)🦅

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Requested by:@Sky-LightQwQ ⭐️

Akimi Takami's Pov:

.For as long as I have known my older brother,Keigo, I've always seen him as a hardworking yet lazy individual.

.Of course he had his worked his way up to the top 10 in a matter of years,but from then and til now, he has always done just the bare minimum to get by. But It never bothered me since that meant he always had more time to spend with me!

.On a normal hero work filled day, Keigo would still find the time while working, to walk me to school and help me with homework afterwards. And even on his "busy days" he still gave away some of his time to just sit and chat with me for a bit.

.However, after the recent nomu attack, Keigo actually became busy. Sometimes I would even have to walk by myself to school, just so he could get some rest, so that he could be ready for whenever his job called for him again.

.And since I already knew that Keigo felt bad for not being able to spend time with me, I decided to just keep my emotions and feelings to myself and focus them on something more important, like studying. And with Keigo at work, I most definitely had more than enough time to study.

.But even with all that studying, my grades didn't even seem to improve,and come to think of it, they were actually getting worse. And in matter of weeks, I went from having Bs to having Ds and I didn't even know that was possible. {"What is wrong with me!"} I yelled to myself as I tried to focus on getting my homework done.

.And with every hour that Keigo was gone, more and more problems started to occur, but how I could I tell him? He was so stressed out from work as it was, I couldn't bring it upon myself to even ask him for a few minutes of his time. After all, he needed his rest. {"Just try your best Akimi, you'll get through this without Keigo's help."} I said in false confidence as I continued to fill my mind with only thoughts of studying and getting good grades.

.However, I ended sitting the principal's office two weeks later, for a few terrible reasons. For starters, my grades had gone completely down the drain and I was about one bad grade off from failing, not to mention, I even got into a fight with one of my classmate's the same day.
And although I felt terrible for allowing those things to happen, I felt even worse that my older brother, Keigo, had to take time off of work to talk to my principal about my behavior and academics.

.Just looking at the dark circles in my brother's eyes, made me want to break down into tears, but I held my composure as I sat there and listened to what the principal had to say. Principal["In all Honesty Mr.Takami, I have no idea why Ms.Akimi has been acting out of her usual character. She's normally a big bight shining ball of energy, but it seems to me, her energy has worn out."] The Principal said with a look of disappointment on her face.

.Upon hearing what the principal had to say, Keigo had let out a huge sigh before getting up and holding out his hand, in which I held onto. |"Well thank you so much ma'am, I'll be sure have a huge talk to my sister once we get home.

.And he wasn't lying. Once we got home, Keigo called me over to sit with him, which I obliged. Putting down my backpack, I sat with him at the Kotatsu in our living room. As I sat there waiting for my brother to say that he was disappointed in me, I didn't even notice how badly I was shaking and as I started to feel my emotions unravel, I could only tell myself tell myself to "stop" so much until my eyes began flood.

.I was crying and shaking so much that when Keigo got up and held me close to his chest, I couldn't help but let it all out. {"S-Since I knew that you were already stressed for work, I-I didn't want to be a burden to you, S-So I t-tried to handle everything without you, but I ended put just making it worse."} I said as I cried into chest. As I started to calm down, Keigo had let out a small sigh of relief.

.|"Shh Akimi, I'm at fault for this one, I was so busy focusing on hero work that I forgot I most important responsibility. You mean the world to me Akimi and I'm sorry that I haven't given the attention that you deserve."| Keigo said as he held me tightly. {"I forgive you Keigo."} I said as I let out a soft smile and hugged him tightly.

(This was a tough one for me so I really hope you enjoyed it💕💕💕☺️)

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