53.Bullied(Izuku's Younger Sibling)🥦

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Requested by:@CinnaConnor ⭐️

⚠️Contains self harm⚠️

.Ever since the first day of 8th grade, you found yourself being someone's punching bag.

.You were literally picked on and laughed at about just about anything. "If it wasn't your quirk, then it was how you looked, and if I wasn't that, it was probably something extremely stupid like the way you spoke. It just always seemed like a never ending loop of torture for you.

.Even though your bullying was extremely severe to the point where you we're actually getting physically harmed, you never really told anyone,usually you would play things off as if everything was okay because you didn't want your mom or Izuku to worry about you.

.The only reason why Izuku even found out about your bully was because he decided to come home early from school, just to check up on you and your mom.

.When Izuku checked your room, he wasn't expecting to see you there since by the time he got there he would had thought you would had still been in school. But he also wasn't expecting to see you sobbing just before cutting your wrist for the third time.

.Noticing what just happened,he instantly took the boxcutter from out of your hand and pulled you into a tight hug before asking you why you were doing this to yourself.

.After explaining to him about everything that actually went on in class, he decided to tell you everything he also went through when he was bullied in middle school just so you would feel like you were alone, since he knows how that feeling hurts.| "Y/n please tell me why your doing this to yourself, you know that i'm here for you."|

.After wrapping your wrist,he promised to not tell your mom only if you agreed to call him when you ever needed to talk or felt the need to self harm again.

.Honestly, you did feel a lot better taking to Izuku about your problems, it even got you to a point where you felt more confident to stick up for yourself. (He's literally like the best brother in the world.)

(Sorry if this was bad, I'm not really good at this kind of stuff)

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