49.Being Koda's Older Twin Sibling🐰

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Requested by:@rosiemartin18 ⭐️

.You and Koda get along very well, like to the point where when Koda's having problems, he'll only talk to you about them.

.Since your older than Koda by twelve minutes you feel as though it's your responsibility to be protective over him, but your not too protective, just to the point in where if anyone where to hurt you little brother you would crush their bones and feed it to them.

.When it comes to making friends quickly and being more open, it's like your speciality, but since Koda isn't as open as you are, you try to get him to open up and make friends but you never force him.

.When you can you always enjoy having picnics with him while studying since you enjoy looking at the blue sky and clouds while watching Koda happily play with all of the animals that come to join your little picnic.

.Since Koda knows that you sometimes need your time to yourself away from huge crowds, he sometimes tends to pull you out of situations when you start to feel overwhelmed.

.One thing Koda always enjoys doing with you is cloud gazing, he loves seeing your face light up when you find silly looking clouds.| "Koda that one kinda looks like Mr.Aizawa sleeping bag!"|

.One thing that Koda will never forget the day that you stopped your plans with your friends to him him find his pet bunny even though you really don't like rodents as much as you like insects and other animals.

|sorry that this took longer to publish, I had to board a plane ✈️|

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