27.Being Katsuki's Older Sibling💥

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Requested by:@WoNdErLaNd-MaDdNeSs ⭐️

.Ever since the two of you started middle school, you both never tended to get along with each other. Maybe it's because you tend to act more like your father while Katsuki tends to act like your Mother or possibly because he doesn't like to be told what to do. But who really knows?

.Even though the two of don't get along really well, Katsuki will still ask for your help when he has trouble in making decisions, mostly when it comes to his friendship with Kirishima.

.The two don't really argue a lot since you don't really get mad easily, but when the two of you do,Katsuki is always the first one to apologize because he knows that the things that he says when he's angry really does hurt your feelings.

.When Katsuki sees you struggling to keep your grades up, he's always quick to help you since he knows that you would do the same for him.

.Even though you don't see it, Katsuki sometimes wishes that the two of you could be the type of sibling that joke around with one other, but he knows that would never happen.

.Most of the time when the two of you are together, you hardly talk to one another which  makes you feel you feel bad since all you really  want to do is grow a strong sibling relationship with him.

.The moments that the two of you cherish the most is when you both sit down and play video games together like how you use to do when you were kids before everything went south.

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