30.Being Tamaki's Younger Sibling🐙

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Requested by:@Melody-dragneel ⭐️

.You and your older brother Tamaki tend to get along to the point where you tell each other everything. So when Tamaki didn't tell you about his little crush on Kirishima you almost flipped. (Sorry I Kinda like those two together but I'm multi-shipper so Nejire, Mirio or anyone else is okay too)

.The two of you mostly enjoy just hanging out in pure silence or playing board games that don't require much talking, since the two of you find peace in complete silence.

.No one really sees it, but when it comes to protecting you, Tamaki's whole entire quiet and timid look, fades into a more agressive and scary one, so you sometimes hope that people don't try to get on your bad side.

.Tamaki is like the best older brother ever, since you tend to be a little forgetful, so he makes sure that you have everything for school by checking your book bag before you leave. It honestly makes you feel like your three but you don't mind since you know he's only looking out for you.

.At school the two of you don't really speak since he's busy with third year stuff while your busy with your second year things.

.Tamaki also tends be like a mother figure to you since the two of you don't get to see your mother nor father very often. Meaning that Tamaki does like to cook most of your school lunches but you never seem to mind since his cooking is amazing.

.Honestly, Tamaki tends to treat you like a child since he doesn't want to cope with the fact that the two of you are getting older. He just wants to always be that heroic big brother that saved you from a bumble bee when you were little.

.The funniest thing that you did that Tamaki would never forget, was when you tried to set him up on a date with Kirishma (or anyone else). He knew that your heart was in the right place but to be honest it made things worse or did it?

|Again I'm very sorry, I don't really know much about Tamaki besides for me looking at a few BNHA clips cuz Idk. But I still don't know much about him, so I hope this was close to his personality.|

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