156.Fine!(Izuku's Younger Sibling)🥦

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Requested by:@-__IzukuChann__- 🎃

Second Person Pov:

.{"Izukuuuu, no fair, How come I don't get to see your friends!"} You whined as you where laying on the couch. |"Y/n what are you talking about, you already know Kacchan."| Izuku said while packing up his backpack. You rolled your eyes as you sat up and looked over the couch.

.{"Then who's Ochako, Tsuyu, Iida and Todo-"} But before you could even finish your sentence, Izuku suddenly cut you off. |"Fine! I'll see what Mr.Aizawa says, j-just stop hassling me about it."| Izuku said as let off a soft sigh, slinging his backpack on. {"Yay! Thank you Izuku."} you said as you got up and hugged him tightly.

.|"You're welcome, but I'm just letting you know, I can't make you any promises."| Izuku said while scratching the back of his neck. {"I knowww, Just don't forget to ask him!"} You said with a bunch of excitement in your voice as you rushed your older brother out the door.

.|"Heyy, okay I won't and don't forget you have class."| Izuku said before leaving for U.A. {"I know, you don't have to remind me."} you huffed as you locked the door before sitting back down on the couch.

~After School~

.After finishing up your homework for your online classes, you decided to clean up a bit, just so Inko wouldn't have to when she came home. Upon hearing the door unlock, you had quickly put the away mop and headed to the kitchen to wash your hands. Inko["Hey y/n, I'm home!"] Inko said as she walked in, locking the door behind her. {"Welcome back mom!"} you said happily as you dried off your hands.

.Inko["How was school sweetheart?"] Inko said as she walked into the kitchen and hugged you tightly. {"You know, the usual, Math, English and then Science."} You smiled hugely as you hugged her back tightly.

.Inko["I'm still so sorry that I'm not able to put you in a regular school"] Inko said as her eyes became all teary. Although you were perfectly fine with not going to regular a school, she would always tell you this at least twice every two weeks. {"Mom it's fine, I get a lot of more work done at home."} you said as you gave off a soft smile.

.Inko["But that's the thing y/n, you should be hanging out with friends from school, not cleaning the house while I'm gone."] Inko said as tears began to run down her face. {"Mom, it's okay, I'm fine with helping around the house."} you said as wiped the tears from her face, you just hated when your mom cried.

.Inko["Anyways, wanna help me get dinner ready?"] Inko asked as he held up a bag full of groceries. You nodded your head, while taking a bunch of vegetables out of the bag. After getting everything washed and set up, the two of you got to cooking, and not soon later Izuku walked in. |"I'm back."| Izuku said with a bit of sluggishness in his voice.

.{"Was today a rough day of hero training."} you asked as you chuckled to yourself. |"Y-yeah Allmight really had our work cut out for us."| Izuku said as he sat down his bag, giving his mom a kiss on the cheek. {"Well, you're that tired to not help out."} You said as you handed Izuku a knife to with cutting the vegetables.

.After you finished cooking, you all sat down at the table to have nice meal. |"So y/n, I spoke with Mr.Aizawa."| Izuku said as he took a bite of his food. {"W-what did he say!"} you said as you excitedly reached over the table. |"Well...He said sure, as long as you come towards the end of class."| Izuku said as he smiled at you.

.{"Yes! Does that mean I can do classes in your dorm until then!?"} You yelled with glee as you slammed your utensils down. Inko["Y/n we're at the dinner table."] Inko said as she chuckled to herself. |"Well, with all the craziness going on, I-I don't know if that's a good idea."| Izuku said with a sad expression on his face before taking another bite. {"Oh...I understand."} you said as you smiled reassuringly before going back to eating.

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