132.Im Here Too!(Class 1A's Child Sibling)📓

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Requested by:@tytylinya8374 ⭐️

.Before Eri was saved and under the protection of UA,class 1-A used to give you all of their attention and carry you around everywhere they went.

.But once Eri came into the picture, you felt as though you were being forgotten.

.First, you were okay with having someone that was your age to learn with and talk to, but when the girls in class 1-A started playing dress with Eri and leaving you behind you started your to feel a certain way, but at least you still had the boys. Momo|"Aww, your such a cute princess Eri!"| Eri["T-thank you."]

.Usually on the day when the boys would take you training with them, they started bringing Eri instead. Kirishima|"Y/n, you don't mind if we take Eri training with us do you."|

.At lunch, you were looking forward to having a funny conversation with the whole class,like you always did,but it never happened, you just sat in silence as you watched them play with Eri. Ochako|"Eri, doesn't Izuku kinda look like broccoli?"| Eri["H-he kinda does!"]

.Even though you said that you were fine with them playing with Eri, you felt like you were just in the past.

.Monday:Eri,Tuesday:Eri,Wednesday:Eri, Thursday:Eri, Friday:Eri, Saturday: E R I, Sunday:y/n...just kidding Eri!

.As weeks went by, you started to feel like you were just invisible,so on days when your dad, Mr.Aizawa would go to work, you would either ask to stay home if someone was there or just end up hanging out with Shinso's (*cough your brother cough*) class instead of class 1-A.

.After a few weeks, the class finally noticed your absence and decided to ask Mr.Aizawa what was going on and when they didn't get a definite answer, they decided to find out for themselves.

.While walking down the hallway, holding Shinso's hand, Izuku noticed and ran up to you. Izuku|"Y/n where have you been,we missed you?"|

.Hearing Izuku talk to in such a caring and concerned voice made you snap. {"No! Where have YOU been, oh I know you were all too busy playing with Eri to even notice me...I'm here too you know,so DON'T act like you care now!"} You yelled as your face started to get red.

.And Since Eri was in the hallway as well, she could heard everything. Eri["W-what's going on?"] Eri said as she walked up next to Izuku. {"What's going on is the fact that they care SO much about you they that they forgot about me, so since I'm not important anymore, you can have your STUPID spotlight while it last."} You said right before Shinso picked you up and took you back to his class room.

.After your little melt down, you were sitting on Shinso's desk as he tried to calm you down, but before you could catch your breath, the whole entire class of 1-A was in the room. |"Y/n we are so sorry that we made you feel invisible,please forgive us? "| They all said as they ran up to Shinso's desk.

.You sat there for a second, thinking about all the evil things you could make them do, but instead you decided to be nice. {"Promise me that you'll never do that again."} |"We promise."|

.After that day, things went the way they should have, which was you and Eri both being the center of attention, but still every now and then, you would hang out with Shinso's class as well, just so they could have some time with Eri only.

Requested by:@phanty101 ⭐️

.After your little melt down, you were sitting on Shinso's desk as he tried to calm you down, but before you could catch your breath, the whole entire class of 1-A was in the room. |"Y/n we are so sorry that we made you feel invisible,please forgive us? "| They all said as they ran up to Shinso's desk.

.You sat there for little while, already know you answer. {"I don't forgive you, honestly why should I? You found something new and threw me away, thank you for the offer but I'm happy right here with my brother class." You said with bright smile before waving goodbye.

.Hearing you reject them, made class 1A's heart shatter as they left the class and went back to theirs and reflected on their actions. |"We treated them so poorly, no wonder they want to stay with general studies."| some of the class said as they moped in their seats.

.After weeks of seeing you hanging out with Shinso and enjoying your time with the rest of the general studies students, class 1A felt even more worse and maybe even a bit jealous. |"We need to do something big to get them to want to come back with us."| Izuku said as the class agreed with him.

.Once they came up with the ultimate surprise of you, they just waited until you showed up, and when you did, you were extremely happy since it was all of your favorite things and memories all in one huge surprise, but you weren't surprise that it was another one of class 1A's sorry presents to get you back. |"So what do you say y/n, will you hangout with us again, we promise we'll treat both you and Eri the same." They said in almost pleading voice.

.This time, you really stood there for a moment thinking about if you should go back. But after a long time of thinking, you finally found a decision you were happy with. {"I'm staying in General studies, I'm happy there and that's where I want to stay, but I'll go to class 1A every now a then to only hang out with Eri, got it." You said as you looked up at them with your most serious face.

.And although it wasn't the answer they were hoping for, they were happy that they would still be able to see you. |"We got it"|

(I hope you you enjoyed this and sorry if this wasn't the ending you were going for ☺️💕💕)

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