125.Being Kai's Younger Sibling🧪

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Requested by:@catherine_gorden1 ⭐️

.Even though you and Kai share different view points, the two of you get along for the most part.

.Ever since the two of you decided to run the mafia together, things are something hectic since you stand for the old mafia and more chivalrous and hidden in the shadows ways of the mafia than his new brute force and open forefront ways. But the two of you tend to compromise at a certain medium at times.

.When the two of you aren't bickering, you both try to come up with scenarios of how the mafia world will be once quirks are out of the picture.

.Even though you don't agree with the torture of Eri, you tend to keep quiet since you know what he's capable of.

.Sometimes when you start doubting the plan of getting rid of quirks, Kai is always comfort you, and even though he says that he'll stop if you feel like he's taking it too far with his plans, you know that he won't, but you do appreciate his efforts to comfort you.

Bnha Scenarios [Sibling Version] ❤️ Where stories live. Discover now