151.For The Best (Being Tomura's Child Sibling)🥀

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Requested by:@wolflovescreepypasta ⭐️

Tomura's Pov:

.There's always that same nightmare that taunts me on certain nights like this one, when the air is eerily quiet in the L.O.V's new hide out. And no matter how hard I try to get rid of it, it some how never fails to come back, so to not have to endure that horrific night on replay, I choose to not fall asleep. Meaning this night was no different.

.On that horrific night when the heroes and more importantly Allmight, invaded our old hideout, I was terrified,not for myself, but for  my little sibling y/n since I know that they were also there that night and if the "pros" were to have found them, that probably would have been the last time that I would ever tuck them into bed. I guess I could say that they're one of the things that keep me sane in this world...and if someone was to ever take them from me, I would be lost...maybe that's why that nightmare taunts me.

.|"Stop worrying so much, They're safe, It'll never happened again."|I said I as tried to convince myself that everything would be okay, but in knowing the life I chose, I knew that nothing was ever set in stone.

.|"Things are awfully too quiet."| I said as I got up from the pile of boxes that I was laying on and started to pace the warehouse. Dabi["Yeah, and with Kurogiri still gone, no one's here to make me a drink."] Dabi said as he leaned against the wall and massaged his head as though he had a head ache. Toga["Aww come on Dabi, I'm not that badddd."] Toga said in her usual cheerful tone as she playfully poked Dabi.

.And now that think about, Kurogiri has been gone for a few days which usually isn't like him. |"Hopefully he's okay."| I said in my head as I continued to pace the warehouse until an knock came from the side door.

.Toga["It's probably Kuro, I'll get it!"] Toga said as she happily skipped to the door. But Kurogiri wouldn't have knocked, he would of just warped...so who's at the door!? |"Toga don't!"| I yelled as I turned in her direction but it was too late. Toga["Oh scar face don't worry it's just-."] And before she could even finish her sentence, she was pinned down by a disgusting multi armed pro hero.

.|"You damn idiot!"| I yelled as I watched Toga struggle to fight her way out before deciding to help her. But after I finish getting rid of one problem, I hadn't noticed that there was more, until I looked up to see that the entire warehouse was filled with pro heroes. And just like the time before, I was terrified but when you started to wake up, my fear started to heighten 10 times time.

.{"A-are Toga and Dabi fighting again?"} Y/n said while yawning as they walked out from behind a huge crate. Upon noticing everyone's eyes on them, I quickly ran to grab them as Twice created a diversion. And just when I thought that all of us were going to escape, a flock of red feathers had came down and swoop y/n from out of my grasp.

.And as I watched them kick and scream while calling out to me, I just stood there as tears began to roll down my face. |"Maybe it's for the best Tomura...hopefully now, they'll get to have a normal life."| I said in my head as I tried to convince myself that they would be better off as Compressed captured me into a marble and made his escape.

.Once we got it to our back up hideout, Compressed finally released me as I kept my head down,not wanting any of them to see me like this. Toga["Hey Crusty, where's y/n."] Toga said as she looked around in confusion. |"T-those bastards took them."| I said while scratching my neck as I walked off.

Hawks's Pov:

.After finally getting the kid to calm down, I took them back to my agency, where some of the heroes were waiting for my return.

.Endeavor["Hawks, what took you so long!"] Endeavor yelled as he stood at the door with his usual crossed arm stance. Hawks["Could you be any louder, I finally got the kid to calm down."] I said as I held them in my arms as they slept somewhat peacefully. Miriko["Where did the child even come from?"] Mirko said as I handed the kid off to her. Hawks["I think it's the leader's sibling or something."] I said as while stretching my wings out.

.Endeavor["Are you sure that this child is Tomura Shigaraki's sibling."] Endeavor said as he stared at the kid with a blank expression. Hawks["Well they were screaming brother at the top of their lungs and if that isn't enough evidence, they're tears almost deteriorated my entire shirt. I said as I turned around, showing them the huge hole in my shirt. Mirko["That's cool and all but we could talk about that later, for now, let's just get them inside."] Mirko said as she held the kid closer to her as she walked inside the agency.

(I think I'm getting better, anywho, I hope you lovely people enjoyed💕💕💕😇)

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