55.Stalker Pt.2(Denki's Youner Sibling)⚡️

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Requested by:@Karlaxgarcia45 ⭐️

.For the Past three weeks, you've been a little on edge about Katsuki being at every place that you could possibly be, you even sometimes catch him following you to your favorite cafes. {"This can't be some type of coincidence, right?}

.You were totally right, it wasn't some type of coincidence cause even Denki was noticing that which caused him to be more protective over you as if you were some type famous celebrity.

.Well one day when Denki just so happen to get food poisoning, Katsuki followed you home and kidnapped you, locking you in the basement of his house.| "Aww, stop your crying it's not like I'm going to kill you, don't worry you'll be out of here as soon as you only have eyes for me and only me.|

.Noticing that you haven't been home for a few days now, Denki got worried and called the cops. So for the past four weeks the cops went door to door looking for you, when they finally got to Katsuki house, they found you locked up in the basement, tied up to a water heater, bruised, beaten and broken.

.As soon as they got you out of there, Katsuki was immediately taken to jail, while you were in the hospital recovering from all the unspeakable things that Katsuki did to you.
| "Y/n i'm sorry I should have been a better brother to you."| { "Denki, it's not your fault."}

|Sorry if this was bad, I'm still not good at these💕|

Requested by:@rosiemartin18 ⭐️

.It's Been about eight weeks since the cops search for you, and they almost pronounced you dead until they got a message stating that you had shown up at school, holding hands with Katsuki Bakugo.

.Case closed I guess, but Denki knew that something was up when you didn't even acknowledge his or anyone but Katsuki's presence for the whole day.| "I'll kill him for torturing her."|

|I tried my best😢|

Alternative #2

Requested by:@Eddsworldfan134

.After finally waiting for the end of gym, Denki found a perfect time to make Katsuki pay for what he had done to you.

.So once Katsuki finally made it into the shower, Denki made to sure to charge a 3000 volt shock from under his stall to Katsuki, instantly killing him because he was wet.

.Even though that wasn't exactly how he wanted to kill Katsuki, it was the easiest way for him to make it look like an accident. | "When I said that I'll make you pay, I meant it."|

|Sorry that this was pretty short."|

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