167.Being Hawks Teenage Sibling with Tourettes🦅

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Requested by:@Fandom-lord ⭐️

(Before we start, Tourette syndrome is a condition that affects the brain and nerves, causing a person to make repeated movements and sounds, aka motor and vocal tics, in which can't be controlled. And although there are people who do have cursing tics, I decided that for this scenario I would focus on other motor and vocal tics that don't involve cursing☺️💕)

.Although you and Keigo had spent most of your entire life, living under the same roof, learning that you had tourettes was something that was extremely new to him. And since you had only been diagnosed just recently, this new factor, wasn't something that was not just unfamiliar to him, but for you as well.

.However,after doing his own research, along with hanging out with you more often, Keigo found that dealing with your tourettes, was somewhat easier than he expected...well, when it came to lighter tic days, that is.

.Yet beside from finding out that you had Tourettes, nothing much had really seemed change. Keigo stilled treated the same as before and that was that you had really appreciated. However, you didn't really appreciate the tics that you picked up from always being around him.

.Of course there were your usual whistling ones and that one sound imitation tic that would go off whenever he would flap his wings. Yet, none of those compared to one where you would, for no reason at all, start flapping your hands repeatedly. And although it was a pretty harmless tic, you just kinda found it to be pretty annoying, especially since Kegio started calling you flappy bird because of it.

.Though it was usual for Keigo to make jokes or even have a laugh at your more funnier and harmless tics,he never made light of your harmful ones and most importantly dealt with those tics with great caution and seriousness. Especially since he found those tic to be to me more of a struggle when dealing with for him.

.But another thing that he doesn't take lightly to is the bullying and constant questions about your syndrome. On a normal day out with you, he might get about two rude questions or comments about your tourettes, from the press or even his fans; but after tearing that person a new one, the questions seem to cease all together.  I might make lighthearted jokes about your tourettes, but that doesn't mean that he's gonna allow others to make fun of you for it.

.While on the way back home, Keigo starts whistling out one of his favorite tunes, in which causes your tourettes to start mimicking his whistling.

.| "isn't that like echopraxia or something?...maybe I should start watching what I say around you as well, Flappy bird."| Kegio jokingly said, chuckling to him.
{"Yeah, maybe you should, I would hate for your secrets to be said by accident."} you said chuckling to yourself as Keigo scoffed in disbelief.

(Sorry for the wait, I hope you all enjoyed! -And if I made mistakes or had wrote anything that came out as rude, please let me know so that I can fix it immediately!- ☺️💕💕💕)

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