34.Being Denki's Twin Sibling⚡️

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Requested by:@gachaverse150 ⭐️

.You and Denki are no different from one another in the slightest. When people see the two of you, they think your both more like clones than Twins. But because the  both of you act so much alike, it can sometimes lead to disagreements.

.Most of the time, You and Denki spend a lot of your school days playing video games instead of studying or getting your homework done, so when it finally hit the two of you that school is also a thing, you both panic and quickly to write whatever you both think is right while also trying to cram in a few notes before school starts.

.At school, the two of you like to play shock tag as you pass each other through the hallway and at lunch, since your both in different Hero course classes.

.Denki is more laid back when it comes to protecting you, since he knows that your a tough cookie and won't be pushed around very easily. But when thinks that you could You the slightest amount of help, he quick to come to your rescue. He's your big brother by a seven minute distance, so he feels that it's his job to look out for you.

.Even though it's practically useless for you to ask him for help when it comes to homework, but you still do since he tends to get a few more A's than you do.

.Even though the two of you seem like the best of friends, you both still argue about little things since that's what siblings do, but you both tend to hold grudges for along time because you both sometimes don't how to agree to disagree.

.But when it all comes down to it, you both love each other very much however, that doesn't mean that you would spare his life when it comes to playing multiplayer RPG games.

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