141.Monster pt.2(Kai's Child Sibling)🧪

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Requested: by a ton of you lovely people ⭐️

Kai's POV:

.|"So much for trying to be a good brother."| I thought to myself while waiting for my yakuza member,Shin, to finish wrapping my hand.

.|"Thanks"| I said before getting up and heading back to y/n's room. |"They really think I'm a monster."| I said to myself as I stood in the middle of their room and looked around. Their room was so dark, cold and empty, I couldn't even imagine staying in there. |"I'm such a terrible older brother."| I said in disappointment and disgust before leaving their room.

Y/n's Diary

.Today when I came back to my room, it looked entirely different. The walls were painted in my favorite color, my bed was bigger than me and not to mention super comfortable. Plus there were toys everywhere.

.But knowing Kai, this was probably one of his tricks, I don't know who he's fooling but it sure isn't me. He's a monster and he's knows it.

.Today, things were also very strange , usually I was able to walk around the hallways all by myself but now, Shin would escort or even follow me around the hallways, never allowing me to go near Eri.

.Even though I knew that he was torturing Eri, I never knew what he was planning, but I have to find out.

Y/n Pov:

.After Shin tucked me into bed, I waited a few minutes before sneaking out. Luckily Knew the hallways well enough to not get lost. {"Where's his office?"} I said to myself as I quietly ran around the hallways looking in every room.

.Although it seemed like I was running around for hours, I finally found his office...well hopefully. Once inside I searched around his office looking to see if I could find any files or clues but there was no hope. {"Maybe the Lab?"} I said as I made sure to put everything carefully and properly into place. If one thing was to have even a small smudge on it, Kai would know for sure that some one was in here.

.Again, I was running for a long period of time, I finally found the lab, but now I just wished that I would have just gone to bed. |"Stop crying you disgusting piece of shit, once the yakuza is up back on top of this, you can live a normal life...well almost normal."| Kai said jokingly as he stuck another needle into Eri's arm. |"What are you looking at, no one is here t-to."| Kai said as he stopped and looked directly at me.

.Knowing that he saw me, I ran as fast as I possibly could to the exit. Even though I wanted to stop, I knew that if I did, that monster would most catch me. {I have to find help."} I said to myself as the exit was nearly in reach. |"Aww come on y/n, just go back to bed. Every thing will be fine."| Kai said as he stood at the exit door.

.{"How will everything be fine when Eri is hurting."} I thought to myself as I stopped running. {"How am I the sibling to a monster, you're pure evil Kai a-and I h-hate you!" I yelled as I broke out into tears. But the truth was I didn't hate him, I just wished that he wasn't like that and by "that" I mean an evil and scary monster that only caused pain to the people around me.

.As I was lost deep in thought, I didn't even notice that was standing right in front of me, with a a syringe full of some type of blue liquid. And All I felt after that was pain in my right arm as my vision became blurry.

Kai's Pov:

.After putting my mortified little sibling to bed in their own room, I stepped outside and stood to next to the door as my mind began to race. |"I'm a terrible excuse for an older brother."| I said to myself as my arms broke out in hives as a image of y/n terrified face stood right before my eyes."| ["Boss, Is everything okay, you don't look well."] Shin said cautiously, making sure to keep a safe distance. |"Shin, I asked you to keep an eye on y/n and what were you doing?"| I said as I felt my temper starting to erupt.

.Before answering my question, Shin stepped back a few more steps. ["I thought they were sleep so I decided to take a break."] Shin said as he scratched the back of his neck, causing me to break out into laughter. |"Do you think that I saved your grimy ass for you to take a break?! And now because of your stupid fucking breaktime, I had to put y/n to sleep."| I said as I showed him the empty tranquilizer syringe. ["I'm sorry boss it won't happen again."] Shin said as he began to sweat in fear. |"Good."| I said as I took walk down the hallway to cool off.

(I hope you enjoyed reading this💕💕💕)

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