27.Being Shoto's Older Sibling🔥❄️

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Requested by:@starlightstar339's friend ⭐️

.Ever single day that you see Shoto you always compliment him on how he both amazing academy and physically since you that he doesn't see how amazing he is.

.Every now and then when your having trouble with understanding the lessons that Mr.Aizawa teaches, you always ask Shoto for help since he a good teacher and doesn't mind helping you.

.Even though you can't see it though the mask that Shoto hides behind, Shoto is so thankful that he has an older sibling like you, who teaches him how to have fun and also builds up his comfortability in himself.

.Sometimes when you see your Father Endeavor you sometimes wish that he had put all the pain that Shoto suffers on you since you felt as though it wasn't right for him to torture your little brother at such a young age.

.Even though Shoto is younger that you, he feels as though it's his to protect you because he see a lot of his mother character traits in you and he doesn't want anyone to hurt you just like Endeavor did to her.

.When people see the two of you hanging out to get they smile seeing how Shoto looks more calmer around you.

.When the two of you go to visit your mom in the hospital, she always laughs seeing how the two of you are still stuck together like glue, just like did when you were kids.

.You love your younger brother with all your heart and everyone including your other sibling can see that.

Bnha Scenarios [Sibling Version] ❤️ Where stories live. Discover now