54.Stalker(Denki's Youner Sibling)⚡️

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Requested by:@Karlaxgarica45 ⭐️

.Ever since you transfer from general studies to class 1A, it has always came to your attention that Katsuki seems to always pick on you more than anything other student, even with the fact that your brother is part of the Bakusquad.

.It's normally tolerable with his usual names calling and his threatening you Every now and then, but with Valentines Day (my favorite holiday, even though it's not an actual holiday) coming up, Katsuki threats seem to start turning into reality. Like for instance, out of no where, Katsuki just all of a sudden slammed you into a locker when Denki wasn't paying attention.

.And now that it's Valentines Day, you've been receiving a heck of a lot of love letters, asking you to them behind the school. And hoping that they were written by Kirishma, you gladly excepted.

.While waiting behind the school,you noticed that Katsuki was waiting for you. Once Katsuki finish trying to ask you out in the nicest way possible, you laughed and politely declined while explaining that you only have eyes for Kirishima and no one else.

.Hearing you say those words, enraged Katsuki to think that you only like one person, that obviously wasn't him.

.Therefore, After that day, you seemed to notice that Katsuki was at ton of places that you usually were and that his bullying always increased, especially on the day when Denki just so happened to be sick.| "One day I'll have you, just you wait."|

Bnha Scenarios [Sibling Version] ❤️ Where stories live. Discover now