80.Sick(Dabi's Twin Sibling)🖤

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Requested by:@ItzNikky ⭐️

.When your sick,Dabi tends to run around like a chicken with it's head cut off since he doesn't know how to take care of you.

.So when you caught a cold due to one of the missions that Tomura gave, Dabi was freaking out. He he brought you soup, extra blankets, heated blanket, water, well technically everything that he could find that would keep you warm.

.And if that wasn't enough, he wrapped you in a blanket burrito and wouldn't let you move from the the couch, even when you had to use the bathroom. So all that you could do was lay there and not pee on yourself until he fell asleep.

.Even when Kurogiri offered to take care of you, Dabi immediately declined stating that "He knows what he's doing." But that was clearly a lie since you were strapped down to the couch with blankets, as if you were in some type of insane asylum.

.{"He's only trying to help...I guess"}

Bnha Scenarios [Sibling Version] ❤️ Where stories live. Discover now