115.Dating Tamaki(Miro's Older Sibling)💫

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Requested by:@phanty101 ⭐️

.You and Tamaki have been dating for the past three months now and everything's been completely fine since Mirio was perfectly okay with it.

.Every Friday after school, once Mirio And Tamaki finally drop Nejire off at the train station, they come to pick you up at Seiai Academy. But every time you and Tamaki would start getting lovey dovey on the train, (aka holding hands) Mirio would give you two a little bit of space. |"They're so cute together."|

.And since every Friday Tamaki And Mirio would come over to your house to study and hangout, you would leave your room ever so often to give Tamaki a kiss on the cheek or bring them snacks. |"Thanks for the snacks Y/n , but if you don't mind we need to study now."|

.But After Mirio and Tamaki finish studying, Tamaki And Mirio would just sit down and talk like they always did, but now that you and Tamaki were dating, you started to join them, cuddling with Tamaki as the two of them talked. | "ooo Y/n, you can come in and hang."|

.And usually since Tamaki sends the night over the house,he tends to sleep in Mirio room, but now that you and Tamaki are dating, Mirio tends to see Tamaki sleeping in your room more often. |"They look so peaceful."|

.But after three months of this, Mirio started to a bit annoyed. So when the two of you were getting ready for school, he decided to tell you how he felt. |"Hey y/n, can I come in?"| {"Yeah, lil bro, what's seems to be on your mind?"} You said as you fixed your tie. |"I-I know that you and Tamaki are dating and I'm okay with that, but I just want to hang out with him without you barging in." Mirio said as he scratched the back of his neck. {"Oh I'm sorry Mirio, I'll back off, beside he was your bestfriend before he was ever my boyfriend."}

.After your little convo, Mirio's been more comfortable with you and Tamaki dating, but he still finds him in your bed every now and then.

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