122.Being Sir.Nighteye's Younder Sibling🖌

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Requested by:@Smallcrystals- 🎄

.unlike your older brother, you aren't super serious when it comes to just about anything.
Which would seem like a good thing since Sir.Nighteye like to laugh, but it actually drives him insane.

.And since your a pro hero, Sir.Night something gets scared about how reckless you can be.

.The two of you tend to argue a lot since you never listen to your older brother when he tells you to take things more seriously.

.But even though you are very defiant, Sir. Nighteye is your older brother, so he does make sure to keep an eye on you so you don't get hurt.

.Even though you are very careless, you do tend to make Sir.Nighteye laugh sometimes, so he's really grateful for that.

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