143.Okay(Mineta's Male Twin Sibling)🍇

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Requested by:@Serosmokesweed ⭐️

Y/N's Pov:

.|"Hey y/n, do you see the boobs on that girl."| Mineta said while pointing at the girl as his mouth began to water. {"Yeah, Mineta they're p-pretty nice."} I said as while looking in the direction that Mineta pointed.

.Honestly it was the same thing everyday, Mineta drooling over girls and then me having to agree so he wouldn't see me as weird.

.To be honest I never really understood all the hype he had when it came to girls and boobs. First off, boobs weren't really attractive to me, I'd prefer a nice set of pecs and abs over them any day. And girls, I think they're nice to have as friends and best friends but not to have a lover. "How could I ever tell Mineta that?" I thought to myself as looked up at my dorm room ceiling.

.Again like every other hero training day, Mineta dragged me along with him. |"D-do you see how beautiful Momo's breast are?"| Mineta whispered to me as he went to reach out and touch them. {"Mineta don't do that is not right, res-."} said while grabbing Mineta arm as I was soon caught off guard by Todoroki burning off the top of Bakugo's hero costume.{"P-pure perfection."} I said while looking at Bakugo pecs as my mouth began to water.

.I didn't even realize that Mineta was even staring at me. |"T-that's Bakugo?"| Mineta said as he whispered while being very confused.

.Before I could even lay down and relax,I was bothered by a knock at my door. |"I have to talk to you big bro."| Mineta said as I opened to door and invited him in.  I sat down on my bed as I listened to his question.

.|"W-why were you drooling when you were looking at Bakugo, I don't get it?"| Mineta said as he looked at me in confusion as he sat down on the bed next to me. Realizing the question he had just asked, I tried to think of an excuse but I just couldn't. I was just so tired of lying to him. {"Mineta, I like guys."} I said, not knowing how to say it any other way. |"But then why would you look at boobies with me."| Mineta said still a bit confused.

.I took a deep breath as I looked at him with a sad expression. {"I didn't want you to think that I was weird."} I said as I looked up to see Mineta laughing. |"You, Weird, not even close."| Mineta said as he smiled at me. {"So you're not mad."} I said as a smile began to appear on my face. |"Why would I be mad at something that you can't control and it's not even a big deal, I'm just really sorry that I dragged you around with me." Mineta said as he looked up at me with a sincerity in his voice.

.{"So would you be fine with me dating someone like Bakugo?"| I said while smiling brightly. |"Your type in guys is scary."|

(I wasn't really sure how to write this but I hope you enjoyed😁)

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