120.He's Cheating(Katsuki's Younger Sibling)💥

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Requested by:@Mugmaya156 🎄

.Three months before you found out about the heartbreaking news, you were the happiest woman/man on earth, since your fiancé, that you've been with for six years, finally proposed.

.You pranced around your house for hours on end, singing and dancing while showing off your shiny fifth-teen carat diamond engagement ring. You truly were the happiest person on earth!

.Even though your brother Katsuki, didn't approve of your fiancé, it really did put a smile to his face to see you happy. And since your fiancé was cause of your beautiful smile, he didn't hate the person as much.

.But one night while Katsuki was at a bar with his squad, he noticed your fiancé cuddled up to some some girl that he had never seen in his life.

.And as if his blood wasn't already boiling enough, your fiancé, exchanged a heated kiss with this unknown women, which caused him to lose it.

.He walked up to your fiancé and burned the side of his/her face and walked out of the bar, not regretting a thing.

.After he drove home to tell you everything.

.Not wanting to hear it, you ran around the house with your hands covering ears as tears fell down your face.

.While already being upset, Katsuki first calmed himself down before grabbed you and pulling you into a hug. {"Does six years mean nothing to him/her!"} You said as you cried into Katsuki's chest.

.Not knowing what to say, Katsuki just stood there holding you and stroking your hair as you cried endlessly into his chest.

.As you started to calm down, you took off your engagement ring and placed it into your pocket. |"So are you going to give them the ring back?"| {"No, I earned this ring, I've been dating that asshole for the past six years, I'm gonna sell this shit and get every dime of damn thing."}

.Hearing you say that caused Katsuki chuckled to himself. |"Yeah, you might have to use the money from that ring to bail me out of jail."| Katsuki said as he looked down at you. {"Okay."} You said While not wanting to know anymore details about that night.

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