137.This Can't Be Happening(Iida's Younger Sibling)🏃

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Requested by:@Thatchick78 ⭐️

.For the past weeks, you started feeling really sick, you thought it was because you decided to try cooking your own lunches instead of buying them, so really didn't worry that much.

.But then, you started eating more than usual. {"Maybe it's all the training that I've been doing...well that's the small price you pay to become a hero."} You thought to yourself.

.Then it finally happened, your period was a week late. {"No...This can't be happening!"} you mentally yelled in your head as you doubled checked to see if there was any trace of  blood in the toilet.

.After freaking out a bit, you decided to go to the store to buy a pregnancy test...and by one I mean one of every kind of pregnancy test that you could find. You even tried to not make eye contact with the cashier as he rung you up.

.Once you made it back to the dorms, you ran straight to the bathroom, taking each pregnancy test, taking them back to your room and waiting.

.Not long after, the results finally came through. While your body was racing full of nerves, you grabbed the first pregnancy test as you hesitantly read the "pregnant" result. {"M-maybe that's just a mess up."} you said as you grabbed another that read the same thing actually, each test read "pregnant".

.As you sat there with tears streaming down your face, you texted your older brother Iida to come to your dorm room. In which in a matter seconds he did and you opened the door. |"y/n what's wrong?"| Iida said as a he saw your face with dried up tears and red watery eyes. {"Just sit down and please promise me you won't get mad."} You said as you sat on the floor.

.Confused, Iida sat on the floor in front of you and promised not to get angry. |"Y/n now tell me what's wrong."| Iida said as he looked at you with a sincere look on his face. {"Iida, I-I'm pregnant.} you said as you handed him each of the pregnancy tests.

.Hearing and seeing that, Iida was so conflicted with emotions. |"H-how do you feel y/n?"| Iida asked as he tried his best to not make the situation worse. {"I feel like I messed things up, my dreams, my future, my life, everything, but at the same time, a part of me is happy that I'm going a mom...but I'm not ready."} you said as you looked down at your still flat stomach.

.Not thinking of what else to do, Iida, pulled you into a calming embrace. |"We'll figure something out, but don't give up on your dreams just yet, we can find a way to make things work."| Iida said as he smiled at you. {Thanks big bro, that means a lot.}

.However, after getting that off of his chest, Iida had another question. |"Do you have an idea who the father is."| Iida said as he looked you. {"Easy, the only person that I've been with is Baku..."} but before you finished your sentence, Iida was already out the room and down the hall. |"Bakugo I'm going to murder you!!!"|

(I hope this is close to what you had in mind, I'm sorry if it's not ☺️🥺💕💕💕)

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