128.Bathtime{Oc!}(Kai's Teenage sister)🧪

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Request by:@Josephine_Brayigski ⭐️

Joséphine's Pov:

.Once we got back inside, I sat in the hallway waving goodbye to Eri as Mimic followed her all the way back to her room. |"Stay here while I run you bath *mumbles* I can't believe those filthy hero scums tried to lay a finger on your fragile skin."| Kai said as his steps echoed on the hallway's metal floors.

.Doing as I was told I sat in hallway huddled into a tiny ball as my body continued to tremble. {"What would of happened if Kai wasn't there to protect me...I could of died...Why did I have to cause Kai trouble."} My mind started to think about all the negative that could of happened to me in that moment, and before I knew it I started crying and hyperventilating. {"Why did I even follow Eri...Why did I disobey Kai...He's the only one who can protect me."}

.A few minutes Later Kai came back holding my favorite stuffed animal. Even though my eyes were teary, I could still see the disappointment in Kai's face as he handed me my teddy bear and held me close to his chest. |"Hey Joésphine calm down, the only thing that matters to me right now is that you and Eri are safe and right where you belong."| Kai held onto me tighter as looked down at me with a sincere look on his face.

.I started to calm down, I stopped crying and breathing went back to normal, but I still could feel his disappointment in me. {Is it bath time yet?"} I said as I looked up at Kai. |"Oh, yeah we should probably clean that filth off of you before the water gets cold."| Kai said as held my hand and headed for the bathroom.

.Kai turned around facing the wall as I got out of my filthy clothing and into the tub which was filled with steaming hot bath water. {"Y-you can turn around now."} I said as I dipped deeper down into the water as Kai sat down at the side of the tub.

.As Kai took out the shampoo to wash my hair, I started to feel upset again, why did I have to make Kai worry about me more than he already does. |"Joésphine, I'm not angry at you, It's just that I fear for you and Eri's safety, promise me you won't go out again."| Kai said as he rinsed my hair off and grab a towel for me. {"I promise."} I said whispering as I looked down at the darkish color bath water.

.Once I stepped out of the tub and into a new baby blue nightgown and bunny slippers, Kai came back into the bathroom to blow dry and curl my hair. After that, Kai walked me down to my bedroom, where he tucked me in and kissed my forehead before walking out. |"Just get some sleep Joséphine, you had a long day."|

(I hope you liked it, sorry for any errors💕💕)

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