136.Middle School(Kirishima's Younger Sibling)🏔

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Requested by:@x-Miles-From-Mars-x ⭐️

.Middle school, just thinking about it, brings back so many memories that the two of you wish you could erase. But since you can't erase the past, you both found ways of masking it, Kirishima dyed his hair, and you, you changed your whole attitude so that people would be less likely to walk over you.

.Despite Middle school, the two of you signed up for the same school and surprisingly got into the same classes, but that didn't make either of you happy. So, to not repeat what happened in middle school, the two of you acted like complete stranger to one another.

.When people would ask you about your identical last names, you would just say it was a coincidence. When they would ask about the similarities in your quirks, you would say they were just being plain delusional.

.And some how, you two managed to fool everyone, even the teachers...well just about everyone except for Mina Ashido who knew the truth. But being Kirishima's friend, she never said anything, until the day they had a huge argument.

.|"Okay, well don't talk down on me when you can't even control your own alcohol intake!"| Denki["Guys, calm down,everyone is watching."] Mina["Well at least I don't cover up my own flesh and blood just because of a few mishaps in middle school!"]

.Before you knew it, the whole entirety of class 1A was looking directly at you, causing you to coward in a corner. {"Why are they all looking at me,s-stop looking at me."} you thought to yourself as all of the fake confidence that you gain, drained away. Class 1A["Why would the two of you lie about being siblings!"]

.As you stayed in the corner, rattling with extra anxiety, Kirishima decided to explain. |"Back in middle school, I was bullied and because of that y/n something took the fault for the things that I did, since they were an easy tart since their quirk didn't manifest until after middle school. So we decided to just not let anyone know that we were related so that wouldn't happen again."|

.After hearing Kirishima explain, the whole class started to understand why you both kept quiet and seeing you all coward in the corner also made them feel bad for getting loud. Class 1A["We're sorry y/n, we should have never yelled at the two of you like that."] {"It's o-okay."} you said before walking to room. |"they'll be fine, just give them a little time to think, trust me, we don't want them to jump to conclusions."|

.After everything was cleared up, the two of you actually started to enjoy yourselves a lot more now, since you both didn't have to carry a huge weight on your shoulders.

(I hoped you liked it! 😁💕💕)

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