91.Secretly Dating Ochako(Izuku's Twin Sibling)🥦

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Requested by:@KiwiBubble100 ⭐️

.You and Ochako have been dating for a month now and every thing has just been perfect, even with the fact that you decided to keep your relationship with Ochako a secret from your older brother by six minutes, Izuku.

.But this particular day, you just so happen to slip up.  You and your girlfriend Ochako were out at a cafe,and you decided to take a few pictures since you thought that Ochako looked very cute while sipping on her latte. And without even thinking you posted the pictures onto your instagram with the caption "I have the most cutest girlfriend in the world.", and also tagging her in your post.

.So once you got back to your dorm from your amazing day with your girlfriend, you were greeted to Izuku and Tsu sitting on your bed.
|"y/n so your dating Ochako now?"| {"Yeah."} ["Why didn't you tell us? *ribits*"] {"I just never had the chance to."} | "Well it's too late now."| Izuku said as he cracked his knuckles.

.After Izuku and Tsu chased you for a 12 minutes straight, they tackled you and tickled you until you almost peed yourself. | "Just to let you know, I'm happy that your happy y/n."|
{"Thanks Izuku but could you and Tsu take it down a bit with the tickling."} | "No promises."|

Bnha Scenarios [Sibling Version] ❤️ Where stories live. Discover now