133.Monster(Kai's Child Sibling)🧪

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Requested by:@ShreddedCheese18 ⭐️

Y/N Diary:

.Every night, I usually sleep on the floor in Eri's room, but I do have my own room, it's just that I don't want to leave Eri along where that "monster" can hurt her.

.The Monster is my older brother Kai, he's pure evil but he doesn't know that I know that. He doesn't even know that I know about what he does to Eri and that the wounds that she has doesn't come from her "clumsiness".

.But it's nothing new, for as long I've been around, Kai has always been mental,it's just no helping him and it's scary.

.Kai even scares me so much to the point where if he were to try to hug me, I would run and hide.

.Once I tried to call the cops on him, but then I thought about what he does Eri and how that could easily be me.

.I don't know how much I can take being here, but for Eri's sake I'll just have to bare it.
Kai's POV:

.As placed down Y/n's Diary, I just sat there in her room in silence as I looked around their sorry looking room.

. |"What type of brother am I!"| I yelled mentally at myself as my blood started to boil."

.|"Damnit!"|I yelled as I punched the wall causing a huge hole to form. |"I tried so hard to be a good older brother to them!"|

.["Boss you okay!"] |"Shut the hell up!"|

(I'm sorry if this is bad, I really didn't know what you had in mind💕💕💕)

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